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    Beautiful day . Great music. Great Venue. This used to be known as Presentation Point.  Now after someone sunk some big bucks into this real estate it is Peachtree Point Amphitheatre. The backdrop to this venue is Lake Lanier Itself.  The lake was busy this weekend. Several boaters dropped anchor near the venue to listen the the music. I am not sure what the capacity is for this place. You sit in reclined chairs that are positioned starting from the concession areas leading down to the stage. The chairs are on a terraced lawn. The breeze coming off of the lake is refreshing.

    The sound is very good. When I arrived I expected this to be loud and filled with echoes. However, the sound was directed well and not dispersed. After all it is an outdoor venue.

    We went to the Shamrock Festival. This event lasted around twelve hours. We had a good time. I enjoyed all the bands especially Departure and Back in Black.

    It is a straight shot off of 985 going towards Lake Lanier. Take the First right at the round a bout.


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