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    When I was in Killington, I was with one massive group. The guy in charge of this massive group got us alll VIP passes to this place called the Pickle Barrel. In addition to going to a place called the pickle barrel... we were all dressed like the 80's... yeah we're cool.

    Anyways, I decided to wear my Chive shirt (fellow chivers out there - holla) and I was having the time of my life. They had a live band there that weren't singing just rock songs, but also top 20 songs too which was actually REALLY cool and really fun!

    The establishment is 2 stories and they have this balcony type area where you can look over and watch the band. When the band needs a break, they lower the lighting and TV system and play the music videos for the songs. It's definitely a pretty awesome, dancey type of place.

    I ended up having SO much fun. Without the VIP passes, it would have been way more than just 5 bucks to get in here, so I am very thankful for the VIP passes. All in all - Awesome time, awesome place and great fun :]


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    This place is a cross between Johnny Utah's in NYC and the basement jelly wrestling scene of Old School. What do I mean? Bullriding or a jelly pool seem like they belong in the middle.

    This place is also strikingly similar to a large frat house. Not that there is anything wrong with that but at least at a frat house you don't run up a large tab.

    The only way I would go back is if Snoop Dogg had another concert there.

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    Pretty girls get free cover. That's the best I can say about it.

    Wait, what?! A place in Killington, Vermont charges cover (and 20 bucks at that)? Yeah, and that's not the worst.

    The worst is that my vodka soda costs the same ($8) as it does in downtown Chicago. Yup, you read that right. And Bud Lights will run you $6.

    I was so flabbergasted at the prices I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Ok, there's a live band, but meh. Being there on a race weekend, the place was packed, so perhaps they are upcharging for the crowds, but who knows. I much prefer JAX next door. A "dance club" in Killington just makes no sense...

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    We arrived at the pickle barrel at 830 PM.  That was totally our mistake as we did not understand the concept I guess.  We had a drink but then realized it was a waste of our time, so we took the shuttle to our hotel and came back at 1015 pm.

    Whe we came back, they did not charge us cover for the band, and this place was totally rocking!  The band really sucked but it didnt matter!  We danced and danced, and the music in between sets was actually pretty good!  I think its a great place if you get into it...

    I think there is some kind of rivalry between them and the Wobbly Barn, and I would say do both if you're there more than one night because both are fun, but I think, objectively that Pickle Barn are NICER, and that in and of itself made this night more enjoyable.  They were friendly and accomodating and talked to us and made a real effort and I felt it was genuine so that makes for fonder memories in writing this review.  

    And makes for 4 stars.  So yay Pickle Barn!

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    This is a super top 40 clubby vibe in the middle of an otherwise very chill world.  They do have some legit performers from time to time, which can make the $20 cover charge worth your while... but if you're not going for the band don't keep your hopes up high.

    One tip for the non-blacked out.. the upstairs is an infinitely more chill scene than the downstairs.

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    There are plenty of places in Killington where you can get a drink, relax and listen to juke box music and those places will let you in for free.  But if you really want to party in Killington then it's going to cost you a little something.   The $20 price of admission at the Pickle Barrel gets you:

    -a live band playing fan favorite dance music
    - a d.j. in between sets playing top 40's and other dance music
    -great atmosphere
    -awesome bartenders
    -Free coat check

    After a day on the slopes I wanted to party (i.e. drink and dance) and the Pickle Barrel had the reputation as the best spot in Killington so paying the cover was a no brainer.  I danced my ass off for 3 hours and took advantage of everything the Pickle Barrel had to offer.  But I noticed some people on the side who never stepped foot on the dance floor and I can see how they would be unhappy with paying the $20 cover.  If you are the type who doesn't like to cut it up on the dance floor then there is really no point in paying the $20 cover and should really head over to the other bars in town that don't charge a cover.

    The d.j. played great music and never attempted any annoying scratching or remixing.  The live band played old and new covers and at any time you could get a front row seat because most people were dancing anyways.     The place was full but not over-crowded and it was a very diverse crowd age-wise.  

    In summary, most ski towns in the east have nothing going on at night but not Killington.  Killington comes alive at night and the Pickle Barrel is the top spot to go if you want to party.  I never would have expected to have as much fun as I did in a town of 1100.

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    Reminds me of Groundhogs Day. Always the same overpriced cover charge, rude doormen who over scrutinize your alcohol consumption and treat you suspiciously. Same type of band every time. This place sucks. The pizza is good. Its sometimes fun during happy hour to go and get pizza. But happy hour has a cover charge too. To be fair, I have had great bar service here. And, yes, I keep going back because this is where people go while in Killington. Kill me now.

    PS-- people are always farting on the dance floor. i assume it is because there are more men than women in here. COME ON GUYS!

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    This place is awful. They charged $65 to get into their New Years party and offered nothing in return (i.e. Champagne at Midnight, Drink Vouchers, Discounted Drinks). All they provided was a group full of 40 yr old band rejects playing Miley Cyrus covers. Find a better place to spend your time and money in Killington.

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    Don't go here before 10pm. It's dead.

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    Packed - yes, obnoxious cover charge - yes, awesome people - absolutely, amazing cover band - awesome, pizza to go - yes! yes! yes!, free shuttle - yes. Definitely had some nights at the Pickle Barrel I won't soon forget!

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    the free shuttle (but do tip) is sweet.  pass on the sausage fest.  they get you with the pizzas at the door.  cover ?  to see all those dudes ?   pass.

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    Went President's Day Weekend... So there was a great crowd. They had a happy hour with a free band and drink specials. We got housed, had some wings and tenders, and got a free ride home to our hotel on the BARREL RIDER.

    Didn't have to worry about a DD, didn't spend too much money and had an awesome time -- just what you want during a long ski weekend.

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    I've been to the Pickle Barrel a few dozen times now and I've never been disappointed. The bands are always excellent and the crowd has always been friendly and diverse. The cover is now $20 and the drinks are pricey but the entertainment is quality. Always able to get a drink fast no matter how crowded it gets. And the free shuttle bus is great.

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    This place sucks. We rocked up to a 15 dollar cover for a 3 dollar band. The set up is awkward with the stage and the stairs. The place calls itself a night club but plays to much céline dion for my taste...  The clientele consists of middle aged men acting like they are in are in their teens... I guess that is what you expect from a place called the pickle jar. Anyway if you wanna be part of a group of people trying to be something that they are not, the dill pickle is right for you. Ps go to the place down the block.

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    I went up to Vermont for the weekend with a few friends and we decided to venture out to Pickle Barrel because 1. they provide a free (tip only) shuttle, 2. they have live bands, and 3. pickles are my favorite food so i love anything with pickle in the name.

    The shuttle was awesome. We called at around 6 o'clock and they came promptly to our house on the mountain at 9:30. The driver was friendly, and told us that he'd be happy to give us a ride home later but to try to get out a bit before 2 AM to beat the crowds. Once inside, I cringed as I handed over my $20 cover. I know I was warned about this, but I was hopeful that maybe the cover would be less expensive. I'm not really sure why they charge this much -- I've lived in Boston for 4 years and have yet to pay a $20 cover here...so who knows.

    The bar itself was great. The live band was really amazing and I loved the setup. Downstairs there was a huge dance floor with a bar around the outside. Upstairs there were two more bands and another (quieter) live band. In between sets the DJ played your typical top 40 and I was happy to see lots of people dancing the whole time. The dress was a little bizarre. Some people looked like they were wearing pajamas, others were really dressed up and some had a mixed look, complete with a dressy top and dirty snow boots!

    My biggest problems with Pickle Barrel were that in addition the expensive cover, the drinks were not cheap. Bud lights were about $6 (plus tip) and although I didn't buy any I heard the mixed drinks and shots were pretty pricey as well. Also, at around 1:30 AM, the bouncers started kicking out random guys throughout the bar. I have no idea why they were doing this (to clear out the bar? to lessen the coat check line? to leave a room full of drunk girls?) but I watched more than a few guys getting dragged out in the last 30 minutes. Strange.

    Still, it was nice to have the shuttle bring us back home and overall we had a great time at Pickle Barrel.

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    This is a great spot to party in Killington, always a good time. Yes, it is cheesy, but that's the fun of it. Was up for MLK weekend, and they had the best band we saw while there (Brown Fox?) They played a mix of Jay-Z, C-Lo, and rock - fun for dancing or just watching the crowd from the balcony above (and there are definitely some characters worth watching). I did not appreciate the $20 cover on a SUNDAY night though, that was rather ridiculous and for that, they get knocked down a star.

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    Was up at killington for MLK weekend and visited the pickle barrel. And believe me when i say they call it the pickle barrel for a reason.Definitely has the old "barn style" type place mixed with heavy club NYC style dancing ...awkward and very cheesy. Definitely worth checking out though if you're bored from everything else. As far as more cons go there are of course too many dudes, rip off drink prices, and bartenders that are unsocial and unorganized as far as taking orders go. There was a group of dudes singing "how many pickles can you fit in the pickle barrel in all" to the tune of "how many beers on the wall." the joke was appropriate due to the overwhelming amount of dudes. Would I go again? I guesssss if I was tearing from boredom.

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    I've been coming to Killington for years and a few weeks ago was my first time at the Pickle Barrel.  It was basically what I expected - a really cheezy club with ridiculous lighting in the middle of Vermont.  The $15 cover was a little ridiculous, but don't worry folks, the bouncer gave us a 2 for 1 deal.. how thoughtful of him.  The only redeeming factor for this place is that they have a free shuttle that will pick you up and drop you off back at your final destination.

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    $10 cover like all the other cheesy places here, and free shuttle home which is good.  Pretty spacious bar but drinks were not cheap here as others have said.  The best deal going when I was there was $5.75 for an aluminum bud which is not really a spectacular deal for a place in the middle of nowhere.  Jagerbomb booth at the front for $8 a pop.  They used monster energy which is great and had monster nitrous!

    The crowd here was pretty much the most diverse I have ever seen.  Crazy mid 50's bald dude running all over the place dancing, woman straight from 1980's etc.  One area I was standing in all of a sudden became really tall!  Like I am standing there and I am like what the fuck I am really short, and then I realize I am surrounded by about 6 guys that are all 6'4 +!  Really an odd place.  Cover band playing when I got there, then they took a break and the DJ started playing top 40 stuff for a while.  

      I notice some reviews here lamenting about the lack of single women, but I hate to say that all places  up here are a sausage party.  The only groups of single people that rent out a condo in the mountains are dudes, and the women that come up here are usually with a SO.  

     There was a line of people waiting to get in when I got out of there, and it did not seem very crowded in here.  I could not conceive that they would be attempting the NYC style always keep a line so passing people will think it is a hot place since you cant really see the door from the road and most people are not driving there anyway.

    Nightlife in killington is pretty weak, I guess this would be the best out of the lot.

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    Meh. The best part about this place was the crew that came with me. It was full of preppy mid-20 somethings and dude guys NOT from Vermont. Why go all the way to Vermont to party with a bunch of New Yorkers or Bostonians and listen to an awful cover band--you can do that at home. Maybe I'm showing my age, but I'd much rather go to a place with more local flavor and local patrons playing real music--not just dance hits--where you can sit OR dance and the guy-girl ratio is a little more even. Oh, and $20 cover charge?! Really?

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    This is the place to go to after a long day on the slopes. Partially because it can be a good time, partially because there's only like 2 or 3 other bars in Killington. The cover is ridiculous (Hey guys, you're not some fancy club in a major city), and the bartenders don't hook you up at all (even if you're fully decked out in a Santa suit!), but setting the money issues aside they book some decent cover bands, sell pizza at the end of the night (Brilliant!), and have a free shuttle service so you don't drive drunk.

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    Killington wouldn't be Killington without the Pickle Barrel.  This place is a classic.  If you're looking for a somewhat rowdy time after a day on the mountain, this is the place to go.  The beer is always flowing and the music is always loud.  On the days there's a not a band playing, there's usually a DJ.  I like the open layout which is good for walking around and scoping the main floor.

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    This place is awesome.  We went up here to see our friends band play.  There are two floors- the bottom with the band and usually gets really crowded, and the top with a balcony to look at the band as well- not as crowded with a bar and a place to get pizza (whole pie or by the slice).  They have a menu if you're hungry- bar food and pizza.  The drinks are expensive- $5 for a beer and $6 for a drink... but they make the drinks good.

    Every Saturday they have Jamie's Junk Show for a Happy Hour band... they have great happy hour wing specials 72 hot wings for $18.  Jamie's Junk show is a great 2 piece band - they rock and the place gets crowded for them, but then dies down til the next band comes on.  I knew Jamie from when he lived in CT and the band he got going in VT is just as good, if not better.  Worth the happy hour trip.

    At night we went to see our friends band- Darik and the Funbags.  It's $20 cover tho, a bit expensive but an awesome time.  the place is wild all night long and  offers FREE rides to the neighborhood Inns and Hotels!!

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    2 RBV's, 2 Captain & Cokes, 1 Vodka Tonic, 1 Long Trail, and a $10 tip, all for $49.50! Wait, what?!

    Despite the very rustic feel, the wood chips on the floor, the $20 cover, the cowboy hats, the acid washed jeans, and the most homogeneous-eclectic mix of people possible in a town with a population of 1100 people, the Pickle Barrel is awesome. Maybe it's great because you've been skiing for 8 hours. Or, maybe it's the 80's cover band playing their hearts out, whatever the reason this place is a blast.

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    Huh?! Nobody has yet to review The Pickle Barrel? The place is awesome! Always a good band playing. Great to get over there after a day of skiing for beer, and music, and fun and women. Well, I was in a relationship during the handful of times I've been to The Pickle Barrel, so I only looked. But the girlies did look mighty nice. Yes sir. Anyhow, I have melded the names of both The Pickle Barrel and The Wobbly Barn into The Wobbly Pickle. Both destinations are largely interchangeable. Both are a blast!

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