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    They no longer serve food.

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    We thought this place was pretentious! The owner is friendly and very helpful but the atmosphere was just boring. Live music is ok but enough of the Polka nights! Outside seating was really relaxing but there was no music or anything outside. One reviewer said this was the life of the town. Um idk about that! The White Horse is definitely the place especially when there is live music! Have not had the food but several people have told me that it was either bad or just ok. Definitely not worth the price.

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    A'dored this place! We were hungry and I was tipsy after already having two wine tastings and a very very generous glass of wine from Saddlehorn Winery- thinking I needed to feed my belly we stopped here on our way home for lunch. They are not open for lunch yet but hope to be in the next couple of months. They do have a dinner that looks awesome.

    So despite my already tipsy nature we decided to stay and have a beer. Why not, right? The place was really that charming. I even tried to encourage the husband to let us stay the night in Burton so we could eat dinner here (if work hadn't been a pressing issue we definitely would have).

    We sat for at least an hour and chatted with the owner about all kinds of things. His wife and family, his business partner, the future of the bar/restaurant, accordions, land prices, Jewelers, marriage, death, languages plus he gave us a tour of the kitchen and the deli that is soon to open and introduced us to their talking bird. I really could have moved in!

    Plus the beer was ice cold in chilled mugs and kept me happily buzzing.

    We'll definitely be back!

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