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    Ok...can you really criticize a place that will sell you 2 large pizzas with any toppings you like for $20?

    Yes an no.

    Let's take the no part first.  Seriously...$20 bucks, 2 large pizzas with whatever toppings you want.  What did you think you were going to get?  Answer...serviceable pizza and a box that tastes almost like the pizza...so it's like getting extra pizza for free.

    So on the yes part.  Beyond be serviceable as a pizza like substance when you're too tired or lazy to go elsewhere, it doesn't have much going for it.

    Probably a 2.5

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    Does pizza hut differ from the midwest??? We ordered from this place one night and were so disgusted by what we had that we will never order again...

    hungry howies is better if you can believe that

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    We just moved into the area and had a pan pizza delivered from this location.  From the get-go the phone service was great!  Very friendly.  My address is a new one and they knew exactly where it was.  When the pizza arrived, it was hot and DELICIOUS!!!  I ordered extra cheese and they actually gave me extra cheese!!!  Some places you order extra and it never seems like you really get it.  We will definitely order from here again and again! :-)   Hot, fresh, delicous, and great service.  Keep up the greatness!!  Signed, A Big Pizza Lover

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    Meh.  The only closer pizza places to my house are Little Caeser's and Rush Street Pizza.

    I've tried Rush Street and it doesn't cut it. Little Caeser's? That is only for little kids birthday parties and gatherings of high school kids when you need a bunch of pizza cheap.

    If I go another 5 miles or so I can get Grimaldi's (good but pricey) or Venezia's (also good but pricey).

    So what do you know...Pizza Hut gets a try with the $5.99 medium pizza's with up to three toppings.

    It was better than I expected, I must say. I didn't expect much though.

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