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    Good food, interesting menu. The kids liked it too. It's a little ways away from the ferry landing but after a big lunch we appreciated the walk back.

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    Great service and even better food. Came on half price wine night and it was tremendous.

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    We stayed at The Inn on Madeline Island for two days and the Pub is one of the only restaurants open for dinner on the island in the fall. I really liked the Pub, it was so warm and cozy, and it is nothing like your usually hotel restaurant or pub.

    The food here was fantastic, and very gourmet. We had dessert here one night and dinner the next. The have a variety of delish sounding entrees, but we decided to share a spicy sausage flatbread pizza. The crust was thin and crispy and there was just the right amount of sauce and cheese. I'd definitely recommend their flatbreads.

    For dessert we ordered their caramel apple cake with cream cheese frosting. This was a towering, two layer cake big enough for two to share. The cake was dense with just the right amount of spice and in between the cake layers was a layer of caramel apple filling. The cream cheese frosting was thick and dense and not too sweet. This cake was delicious. My only suggestion would be to add more apple filling.

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