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    I am a regular at the beirgarten and for a good reason.  The music is always great, and i love the ambiance and bartender.  The iguana is like a little island in the middle of Boerne where you can relax after the work week.  It even looks like a bar you would find on the beaches of Cabo.   Plus it closes at midnight so you can't get into TOO much trouble :)

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    We went to Dickens on Main and had been at the Wine Company, but decided to head over to the bier garden. However, we get there to find out that they had run out of beer. What a disappointment. It seemed like such a fun place, they had live music and a food truck there so the ambiance was great! Wish we could've stayed to have a drink.

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    We visited during the Dickens Christmas thing on Main Street.  We actually heard the music and wandered over.  The "yard" was decorated nice with twinkly lights, the air was crisp, and the beer was cold.

    We got two beers from a local brewery (can't remember to save my life) in Texas.  Not Shiner, but an IPA.  It was delicious.  The guy at the bar gave us a cup of peanuts and we relaxed.

    Nice place to sit and relax.  We'll definitely be back.

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    Nice place to hang out and listen to music.  Owner is a nice guy that works hard.  Alamo beer is good.

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