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    Food was good, but service wasn't
    Had to wait 30 min after my wife received her pizza, for my ruben sandwich to arrive.  What happened did they have to
    butcher a cow to make the corned beef????  Would have to say we will pass by RO'S on our next time through Seward.

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  • 0

    A great local haunt... not the widest beer selection in the world although they had Boulevard Wheat and Fat Tire. But the not to miss item here is the broasted chicken. if you've never had broasted chicken, it's truly one of "those" discoveries. imagine deep fat fryer meets your Grandma's pressure cooker. Looking a bit like a relic from the cold war, the broaster super heats the oil an cooks the lightly rbreaded chicken into the moistest and most delightful version of fried chicken you've ever had. 3 pieces, you choose, for $6.99, side potatoes of your choosing and a beer....  worth every penny.

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