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    Best biscuits ever.  Their baked goods are worth driving for.  And the biscuits... did I mention the biscuits?  The place is not much to look at... because all the bells and whistles are saved for the baked goods.  Truly.

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    Killer homemade pastries and baked goods. Very nice soups too. Only thing that bugged me was the sloppy outside appearance. First thing i saw was a bunch of wilted dying potted plants sitting on an antique stove at the entrance which is kind of a turn off. The trash cans, recycling stuff , extension cords, ladders , and general clutter needs to be moved guys. Take a little more pride here cause your food is good and is worth the extra bit of effort this place needs.

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    Best sandwiches in the valley. Really good coffee too.  Baked goods are amazing.  Word on the street is that Randy is expanding his kitchen.  I wish him the best...he does a great job.

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    Wife and I had lunch at Randy's after visiting the Linn County Museum, the sandwich was great.  They used their own baked bread that's really good.  We even bought a loaf to go. The brewed coffee is better than that famous chain.

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    Easily 5 stars for the pastries, coffee, and service.

    Food: 5 stars
    Coffee: 4 stars
    Service: 5 stars
    Setting: 4 stars
    Location adjustment: +1 star

    Obviously not a whole lot of options in this little country town. But rest assured, you've got a good option for food and the like at Randy's

    I came here with a huge group and they were so very nice and accommodating. Everyone loved their food - especially me! I had their blackberry coffee cake and WOW. Insanely good. Most in the middle, a little crusty on top. The berries were picked locally and preserved while fresh. All their ingredients are mindfully picked and produce amazing results.

    Be sure to pay small businesses in cash!

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  • 0

    Great house coffee and amazing bread.  Randy rocks!

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