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    Not happy with the experience.  It started out as a fun evening with my family members, bowling a couple games then went into rookies to play some pool.  The music was too loud!  Everything was ok until my husband informed me that he was being asked to leave because he was wearing a plain (yellow) t-shirt. He's 60 years old!  Apparently we missed the  8x11 sheet of paper taped to the right upper corner of the door (with tiny print) as we were walking in.  When my husband pointed out other people in the bar had plain t-shirts on he was accused of having an attitude.  Really!  You put people on the defensive because they don't understand your dress code then accuse them of having an attitude!  If you have to have such a strict dress code, you need to have people outside the entrance letting people know before they go in and spend money in your establishment.  Or is that it,   you get people to go in and spend money then ask them to leave.  If we had known that, we would have never gone in there in the first place!  We'll never go there again!

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    Unbelievably slow service! Lots of problems with our order....my husband got the wrong sandwich, my son's bbq bacon burger came w/o bacon and I never received my drink.  will not go back again.

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    Was there one night. Food was okay for a bowling alley type establishment. The waitress was very friendly & polite, as was the bartender when I ordered a coke. I don't drink alcohol so don't know about that at Rookie's, but the crowd looked as though they were having fun. Not a "high-class" crowd, but a fun bunch nevertheless. I had to laugh at the dancers because they really needed those dance lessons they give there.

    The biggest problem I observed at Rookie's is the sound. The building needs something to cut down on the huge amount of echo & rumbling bass. Both the DJ & band had horrible sound. Not the songs or talent or even volume, just the overall sound. It makes it exceedingly unpleasant to stay there for long.

    But, check it out. Just might be the party venue in Manteca you're looking for!

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    They just started a great Country Night on Saturdays with line dance lessons and now Karaoke on Thursdays

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    Came to Strikezone for cosmic bowling and drinking. They were charging a cover for some stupid DJ, so we had a waitress come out to help us. It took forever to get just a pitcher or Hef and a Vodka cranberry for my buddy's gf. Her drink was basically straight vodka and our beer was warm with no chilled glasses. For our next round we ordered blended margaritas that were on the rocks by the time they got to us cuz the waitress let them sit so long. My jack and coke was pretty watery from ice melting as well. If all this wasn't enough the waitress ended up charging my card for someone else's drinks (which I discovered two days later when I checked my bank statement). I called them and they said they didn't know when the manager would be in so I was told they would call me back. They never did, but two days later my bank contested the charge and got me my money back. First and last time I give them my buisness.

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    As with all of my reviews they are at places that I put on comedy shows. On October 10 we had a local comedy show here at Rookies and we had a great time. Every night that I came out to promote my comedy show before October 10 the Security staff assisted me with everything that I needed and more. Very professional. The manager George also gave me everything I needed to promote and get the word out. The night of October 10 we had a great crowd that was being waited on hand and foot by the servers and staff. As I was running around trying to run the show the staff even attempted to serve me even though I didn't have time to eat or drink for the evening. I was so satisfied with Rookies that I booked another show there for November 14.

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    Skip this place, been there couple of times but it's really trashy, it has a lot of potental to be a cool place but the bangers run the show really sad.

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    This place has huge potential. They should hire me as their event planner and get some folks in there on the weekends. This is one of the largest sports bars I've seen, well for the area. I was surprised. The drinks are weak and the food is bowling alley food. But this place looks like a whole in the wall until you walk inside. I was pleasantly surprised. I saw soooo much potential for giving parties here. This place could pull in some dough if it had the right planner and party promoters behind it (and improved it's drinks). I'm thinking of throwing my birthday party here.

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    You know 'the place' that you avoid like the plague because it looks like you might run into your Uncle and his chick or worse your Mom that refuses to succumb to Grandma-hood... Well Rookies is that place. Made the mistake of heading into this place ONCE after the Manteca Oktoberfest. Yeah, Yeah I like beer, even if it involves heading into Mantweeka for it. Anyhow, went in here and totally laughed at the hostess when she asked if I was on 'the list'. 'MUHAHAHA, Oh mah f*cking gawd, a list?!?! Did she say a list?!?!!?!', um yeah she did. Apparently she didn't appreciate my humor because we all had to shell out a cover. Hey we were intoxicated and didn't want to have to drive back to the Mo. Anyhow I run into a friend here and lo and behold guess who she runs in to?? Yep, her Uncle cheating with his bar skank. CRAAAZY! Made for a fun and interesting night. Drinks suck ass, they're metered so they're weak as hell. Stick to the beer. Music is cool if your down for old school r&b, think Black Michael and Prince. I gave one extra star for the drunk that kept buying a guy friend and I pitchers because he thought we were newlyweds, um ok whatever. Oh and tv's in the bathroom so you can catch up on the game scores while you tinkle. Ah good times!

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    Unless you have abolutely no other options to have a few drinks, like pretty much all of Manteca, don't bother going here.  We used to go here after work for drinks and that's pretty much all it's good for.  It's down the street from us, you can play pool and they have a large screen with ESPN on so it's okay.  Forget ordering the food, you're better off walking across the parking lot to KFC than ordering anything from here.

    My favorite expereince here?  One Friday we went here and stayed until past 7pm and someone calling themselves a security gaurd asked me to remove my hat!  


    No hats allowed after 7pm!

    This place is located in the Manteca International Bowl!  Yeah the bowling alley!

    This is one classy place.  Anyway we were getting ready to leave and once we did the crowd dropped from 10 to 4.

    I give it a 5 for the drinks, but 0 for eveyhing else.

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