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    Had dinner there last night.  Service was friendly-ish.  The older lady manager was very friendly but the high school aged blondie was not.

    Ordered the 1/2 rack rib combo for myself and a small deep dish pizza for my wife.  Rib's ain't that bad; got a pretty good smoke flavor but the BBQ sauce was a bit too sweet.  Pizza was quite disappointing; too much cheese, the bottom of the crust was soggy and the sauce was again too sweet.  However the gentleman who sat next to us ordered the calzone and it looked quite good so I might  try that next time.

    Overall this place is ok.

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    Still Rockin it!

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    I wanted to give this place another chance and was let down again... My food was cold, incorrectly prepared, and not very good. Of course by the time I discovered this I was already home and couldn't conveniently return...

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    Rosalini's just gets better and better. Pizza and calzone standards are now augmented with BBQ, tri-tip, beef ribs and, if you need a break from all that red meat, home-made veggie lasagna so good that this unrepentant carnivore has ordered it the last two times I ate there. Everyone in the place is friendly and helpful, and they seem to remember how every customer likes the pizza cooked. Most customers take out or opt for free delivery, but the kid-friendly dining area is perfectly adequate for an informal meal.  They cater, too. Good food, good value. Enthusiastically recommended!

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    Clean place. Nice crew. Claim they have the best BBQ around. I'm sure that's a nice  way to put it but I will not agree. The BBQ is average compared to the other option available in the area.

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