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    It took us quite a while to find the Salt Mine, which is funny because it was right next door to Puckett's where we had just spent some time. Until the beer signs lit up we thought this was a house.

    A college town with a religious based college is a sad thing because there's no place to drink near campus.   At the edge of town, The Salt Mine seems to be the place the college kids have adopted as their de facto  college bar.  While we were drinking out beers,  7 students from nearby Baker University showed up in 7 different cars and sat together talking about their classes.

    The beer selection here is pretty good -- more than just the usual domestics are on tap-- and the draws are full-sized.   There are two pool tables and the usual dive bar accessories.

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  • 0

    Always a good time to be had here weather you are a Baker University student or a local Baldwin City townie. The beer is cold, the fried food hits the spot and there is always a drunken character to observe ;)

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