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    This was funny.  A bunch of my friends came into Williamsport for a friend's wedding.  Since it was a casual afternoon reception, after dinner we were looking for a place to celebrate, and we'd already spent the previous night at Bullfrog.

    The Senate was a hell of a good time.  It was full of old-timers who were rather taken aback that a bunch of dressed-up, citified youngsters more or less took over their bar.  They had stocked up the jukebox with Sinatra tunes, probably the same ones that they listened to EVERY night.  Once those ran out, we tried to make a gentle transition with some Johnny Cash followed by classic rock, but pretty soon we were playing every obnoxious 80's and 90's pop classic that we could find.  How could we not, when it cost $1 per four plays?  My bastard friend selected "Poison" by Bel Biv Devoe, but only after he knew that I had had enough to drink to be cajoled into doing my "Poison" dance.  They often ask for it, but only on special occasions does the "Poison" dance come out!

    Pitchers of Yuengling cost $5.  Both the pitchers and the jukebox were dollars well spent.  (We may have bought more pitchers than songs.  Hard to say.)  My (now ex-)girlfriend tricked me into playing a drinking game based on "Roxanne" which led to some rapid, copious consumption over those three minutes.  That shit still makes me laugh.  Good times.

    The bar has this long table game which looks like shuffle board elevated about four feet off the ground.  Strange, but fun.

    The regulars kept giving us looks but they weren't really bitter or resentful, more like incredulous and shell-shocked.  Hilarious.  Over the course of the night, they fled by ones and twos until there were only three stalwarts left.  

    So--a straightfoward neighborhood bar with cheap pitchers, cheaper jukebox, a weird shuffleboard game, and accommodating local yokels.

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