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    This will be a two fold review.

    As a restaurant, it offers your standard Hotel Restaurant breakfast (albeit a bit more sophisticated).  Standard offerings such as cereal, breakfast pastries, waffles, and pseudo-eggs (I'll pass), but also the surprise of the morning, an omelette chef serving up quite a surprise (easily the best hotel omelette I ever had...  interpret that).

    As a bar, Share represents a great (and only) option for Double Tree patrons that can't/wont venture out.  A few decent taps (Magic Hat, etc.), some decent bottles (Dogfish), and a good enough liquor selection to please most palates.

    I'll give extra props for the bar staying open well after their posted 1am closing time (though then again, the 30 or so people we brought with us made it a quite profitable and easy decision for them).

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    I was in Pittsburgh this week and I stayed at the Double Tree hotel where this restaurant is located.  When you are on the road, it is really a plus to have a good restaurant right where you are sleeping.

    I had one dinner and two breakfasts here.  Dinner the first night was fabulous - I had a beef soup that tasted homemade, I even remarked to the server that the broth tasted like my wife's gravy.  For my main dish I had linguine with crab meat, shrimp and scallops plus peppers and garlic.   I always seek out pasta/shrimp dishes and this one was one of the best.  I was the only person in the dining room for quite a while as not too many people travel here for business on January 2nd, so needless to say the service was superb.

    My two breakfasts were delicious, Denver omelet with a side of ham, English muffin and cranberry juice.  Hot and fresh and served with a smile.  Great way to start the day.

    If you are traveling here I recommend eating here as well.  Food is great and the prices reasonable, no expense report problems.

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