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    Ok, worst service I have ever had, hands down. WOW. The waitress who worked here this past Saturday was SHOCKINGLY rude to both my boyfriend and me, and I observed her being nasty to a few other patrons as well, while others seemed to be spared. We do not understand what we did to deserve such treatment, but make no mistake, this lady is mean and should not be working in the hospitality industry. Sample scene, one of many that went down like this:

    Waitress serves us our food (after a few sarcastic, eye rolling comments in response to our valid questions on some menu items to let us know she thinks we are complete idiots. Got it.), never comes back to check on us, then slams the check down and walks away as if in a rage. We came for ice cream as it was 105 out that day and it was always our intention to get a cone after lunch. So I called out as she stormed away, "Excuse me..." She turns around, glaring, then literally SNAPS, "WHAT!?" I meekly said, "Um, we wanted to get some ice cream too..." and I kind of motioned towards the check on the table. She sighs, rolls her eyes to let us know, just in case her tone of voice and glares haven't gotten it across, that we are officially Putting Her Out. She snapped at me, "Do you think I can maybe help the people over there first? Hmm???? I have other things to do first, THEN i'll come back and talk to you about ice cream, alright!?" Like I'm the biggest ass in the world, and like i should have KNOWN she had other, more pressing, customers in the back. I overheard her do the same thing to some other guy who also asked for ice cream.

    After she stormed away, my boyfriend and I looked at each other in shock that someone was speaking to us like this, so plainly full of hatred and rage towards paying customers! Then the people in the booth next to us turned to face us and THEY were shocked and commiserated with us as they had overheard the whole exchange and that she was indeed over-the-top rude. Crazy!

    Make no mistake: this is a little pink shack decorated in flamingos, not some fancy place. They make burgers, fries, and shakes. The food was ok- I had a decent grilled cheese, my bf had a pretty outstanding veggie burger, i must say. The fries were terrible--greasy and limp. The ice cream, when she finally had time to serve us, was good, I have to admit, even if I did want to shove it up that chick's butt by the time we left. I gave her 10% tip at my bf's urging but truly she deserved not a penny. If i owned this place, I would fire this girl in a heartbeat. She is bad for business.

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    Fantastic outdoor room, satisfying meal.

    We stopped at She-She en route to Jedediah Smith State Park. It was mid-afternoon, well after lunch and before dinner, so we had the place to ourselves. It's funky and fun in a dive-y way...the outdoor garden room, which is a delightful place to have a meal, is quite ramshackle with tarps over some of the furniture and other parts semi-broken.

    The food is nothing extraordinary: your basic burgers, but with evidence of having once been a cow (no, they aren't mooing or anything, they just don't look like they'e been extruded from a burger machine like the burgers in most burger joints). Not health food, but plenty tasty. Fries were not very good. Shake was made with soft ice cream and was way too sweet and fake tasting.

    But is there anything more wonderful than sitting in an outdoor porch swing, in a garden room, eating a classic hamburger?

    I think not.

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    As we drove out of the redwoods forest and began our slow voyage home, the family suburban was packed to the brim with people and luggage.  We had the driver and the navigator, we had the napper, and we had next to the napper, the quiet, mature brothers. Sitting in the back of the family motor carriage was the noisy, immature ones. It is believed by some that these two had the most fun out of anyone, as they were able to make a complete mockery out of all the presumed "disasters" of the trip.
                   Picture if you can, the whole lot of them beginning to feel the familiar pangs of hunger after a full day of trekking through some of the worlds' tallest trees.  The scenes were amazing, and the day was a blast.  But as the sun was in the middle of the sky and the family was suffering from the long drive, a 'diner' located in the middle of nowhere seemed a gift from heaven, an "oasis in the desert".  We should have known it was only an illusion when we saw the flamingo logo's and that the 'diner' was called "She-She's".  Trusting too much in the local culture, our family ventured into what was to become the great and terrible dining experience of the decade.
                   As we walked into this experience, we saw what appeared to be a quaint little eating place with a counter and a small kitchen area, and a few booths and tables scattered around the room.  It looked much like a restaurant in the movies, just with a little more dirt and age.  The TV was on, and a cooking show was the featured programming.  What should have served as another red flag, was overlooked by our family.
    The kind hostess led us into what appeared to be a patio storage area to us, but a bustling, and beautiful restaurant to her.  We walked past the old billiards table which had since been converted into a trash table and storage device for the many inflatable beer ads, to our table.  Off in the distance was the faint barking of a large dog.  We later discovered that it wasn't faint at all, it was simply a tiny canine that was hardly the size of a potgut, who dwelled on the other side of the "wall".  The walls were made of nothing more than lattice, and the floor was mostly covered with that green matting that old homes would use to cover their stairs outdoors.  Just about ten feet from us was a pile no less than 6 feet high, of all the trash that was yet to be taken off to the dumps.  
    A few of us kids made the mistake of searching for the restroom facilities, only to find what appeared to be a lump of coal near the sink.  If you took this lump of coal in your hands and slid your fingernail down it, you would find a shade of green hidden below months or years or DECADES of grime from the unfortunate souls who had gone before.  This green lump of "coal" was in fact, the soap.  Outside of this delightful bathroom, lay dinner for the cats.  Yes, the cats took their meals in the same room as the rest of us, and why shouldn't they?  It was a dining area, right?  Cats need a room to eat just like the rest of us.  The tin pie plate was lovingly piled with cat food, that ended up looking more appealing than what we ordered.  
    Upon looking at the menu, we discovered that our options were few.  Most of us ordered a She she burger, but one ordered the grilled cheese.  The kind lady brought us our drinks and after tiring of the falling pine needles, we placed our napkins over our drinks, and using the straw as a device to impel the napkin, keep our makeshift covering securely in place.  I remember the woman being intrigued by these coverings and questioning our move.  She had supposed that we were attempting to discourage the flies from swimming in our beverages, when in fact, it was the lack of a sufficient roof that had inspired our lids.  The roof, or lack thereof, was simply a device used by she she's to make the fall of the pine needles more interesting as they would hit the wannabe roof and twist and turn as they fell to our table.  
    We received our food, well........most of us did, and we began eating.  It didn't take long to discover that the hamburger patties could have been made from a creature similar in size to that of the canine that had been incessantly yapping throughout our stay.  This fact inspired us to name the meat, a yorkie pattie.  The bread surrounding the meat was entirely too large for the size of the pattie, and it was unusually dry.  The use of ketchup was a must.  We waited and waited for the woman to deliver one's grilled cheese and fries, and when the fries were unveiled, they had all stuck together in a heap.  The grease had gone cold that surrounded the fries and that made them anything but appetizing to the hungriest of consumer.  
    Please, do yourselves a favor and risk starvation.  Drive on.  Good things come to those who wait.

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