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    Sherry's has been in Ramseur for a good number of years. It has a steady crowd of regulars. The food style is homestyle, country cooking.

    The atmosphere is a bit chintzy, with many of the items around the dining room for sale. It is neither terribly appealing nor horribly offensive. Personal tastes may vary. During the most busy times you may find that if you're a visitor unknown, you will turn lots of heads. This isn't uncommon in small towns. Again, it may or may not be an issue depending on your background.

    The food is nothing special. Most items seem as if they are simply canned, frozen, or in other ways processed before they arrive on your plate. A choice of more fresh food and vegetables would go a long way towards helping increase the quality of the food here.

    Service is one of the better aspects of Sherry's. The staff is generally friendly to strangers and extremely friendly and helpful to friends, family, and regulars. Think of a diner with a steady group of wait staff and you're on the right path.

    Sherry's is just Sherry's. In this area nothing more needs to be said. It's okay, nothing special.

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