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    Wow. Came here on a Monday night, and my friend and I were very pleasantly surprised. Who would've thought such a place could be hidden away in San Mateo? Well, not really hidden, but I mean...not sure what I mean, actually....

    The decor is modern, clean-feeling, and somewhat airy. The drinks are absolutely amazing. I'm usually not much of a cocktail fan and typically stick to some kind of whiskey or beer, but Elias recommended one of their signature drinks. Once he described the drink to me and listed the ingredients, I changed my order from a beer to the cocktail.

    Best. Decision. EVER.

    The taste was reminiscent of maple syrup, but it wasn't cloyingly sweet--on the contrary, it was incredibly refreshing. When my friend later insisted we take shots (on a Monday night, no less), Elias recommended and made an Irish breakfast, a Jameson-based drink, which I was a tad wary about because Jameson, but wow. Amazing.  

    Christina (sp?) took over the bar later on, and she's just as awesome as Elias. My friend and I had a great time just chatting it up with the two of them, as well as with two other bar patrons.

    Highly recommend this place, and I will be back for sure!

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    Hands down new favorite place, not to mention vino is the best bartender with Amazing drinks !

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    Agreed, Vino is a pretty good bartender. He makes good drinks, good eye contact, is pretty adept to if you need a refill, and all around nice guy.

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