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    Part of my job requires that I recommend local restaurants to visitors. So when the Southern Belle Restaurant opened, my husband and I decided to try their lunch menu so i could give an honest review to people looking for a place to eat.
    When we entered the Southern Belle, we were not greeted. We stood for 5 minutes before my husband asked one of the servers if we should just seat ourselves, which we were told to do. The waitress asked for our drink preferences. My husband asked for a Pepsi/Coke and I asked for  water with a slice of lemon. Our drinks arrived in Styrofoam cups, that looked like the rim had been chewed and we weren't given any straws. We felt a bit slighted that everyone around us had their beverages in glasses, but we placed an order for 2 bacon cheeseburgers and an order of fries to share. The waitress said the burgers came with fries, so we said just  bring the 2 burgers. We also commented to the waitress that we were surprised we weren't given any straws and that the lemon slice in my drink was actually a lemon rind. She left and a few minutes later a woman came to our table, saying she was the Manager and asking what was wrong. My husband told her we were okay, we just wanted our order. She asked what we had ordered then walked away. After 20 minutes, the waitress came to our table, apologized for the long wait and ask us to repeat our order. A few more minutes passed and we were AGAIN asked to repeat our order.
    Finally our meal arrived. The waitress placed it on the table and left. The burger was quite large, so my husband called her back and asked if it was possible to get some cutlery,  The waitress stated that she ate  burgers with her hands, to which I replied that although that may be fine for her, my husband preferred to eat his with a knife and fork and that I would like a knife to cut my burger in half. She returned with a spoon and fork....no knife. I again asked if I could please have a knife. Finally one was brought to the table. Unfortunately, by then my hamburger was cold and the fries, which were extremely greasy, had gone soggy. I tried a couple of bites, but left most of it on the plate as did my husband. My husband left a tip on the table and we went to the front counter to pay. The Manager asked what we had ordered and my husband told her. She repeated the order as she was ringing it up, getting the order wrong, so I corrected her. My husband paid and we left. In the car I asked him how much the bill was and he told me what he had paid. I told him the total was wrong and he had been overcharged. He thought I might have been wrong about the prices, so I told him to check the Facebook page ( the menu invites people to visit their Facebook page to comment on their food). When he later checked, he saw that we were indeed overcharged for our food. He commented on the Facebook page about our experience there and the poor quality of the food we were served.  The "Manager" removed his post so he posted again asking why they would remove an unfavorable review, when they asked for customer opinions. The "Manager" then got nasty and called my husband all sorts of vulgar names and said we were banned from the restaurant. Never once did my husband use profanity, he only stated his opinion of the quality of the service and food we received.
    I would advice everyone to stay far away from the Southern Belle Restaurant, which certainly does NOT show any sort of  "Southern Hospitality".

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