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    Ive only eaten here once and it was awesome, wasnt 21 yet so i didnt have any drinks. My burger was amazing and had a sweet bun and my bf had a GIANT plate of chili fries or something like that im not quite sure what they were topped with but they were incredible. I think this place is now closed from what i hear.

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    "A Pizza Hut. A Pizza Hut. Kentucky Fried Chicken and  a Pizza Hut." Did you ever sing that in grade school? If you did, you have already been to the joint I'm about to describe, or at least you've been somewhere just like it. I sang this little ditty from the moment my friends and I left the parking lot on our Texas hill country adventure. We were off to the now infamous Dos Equis debacle, and watching the countryside fly by reminded me of home, horses, and Wal Mart. "McDONalds! McDONalds! Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut." I guess most people know what came next. Turned away from the Bavarian Castle and a million fantastically publicized delights my friends and I found ourselves sitting at a gas station discussing options for food and evening activities. "Well it looks like there's a Sonic over there, and I think that's a Pizza Hut across the street. Wait! What's that down there? Is that a bar?!?"

    Yes. My friends, we found a bar. When we got to Spokes they had already closed the kitchen, but overhearing our dismay the waitress suggested that we visit The Hut (regretfully Pizza Hut has dropped the Pizza from the company name,) and bring it in to eat at the bar. Score one star for a friendly and flexible waitstaff. It was at this point as well that we discovered Spokes was hosting its weekly open mic night on the patio outside. The real surprise was the patio itself. It was charming in the same way as the $5 bill you found in your pants doing laundry: unexpected, exciting, but not too fancy. There was a spacious dance floor, a cute little stage with a green room area, and ample seating at tables made from those enormous spools they use to coil cable. As I listened to an acoustic country and western cover of Barracuda, I was served by a cocktail waitress introducing herself as, "the world's sexiest grandma." The crowd reminded me of the populace of my small hometown in Oklahoma. Everyone was terribly friendly, and the owner even took the opportunity to introduce himself to our little table of out-of -towners.  Also I would be remiss to describe my bartender who created a whisky cocktail just for me. ("So if i were a cowboy crossing the desert I'd drink whisky and water, but what would I drink if I were a cowgirl?")

    The biggest drawback to Spokes? It's in Burnet. The second biggest? It's in Burnet, but the next time I am turned away from a Bavarian castle in hill country I'll be sure to stop in and say hi to the world's sexiest grandma.

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