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    Great owners, great food!

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    No I didn't try their food - I just went for a drink. Perhaps I will return to Sports Time Pub and Grill and try their food. The drink I had there was fine. However, service was slow (even though no one was in there - I wasn't asked if I wanted a refill) but I just find it odd that it's called a FAMILY pub and grill but there is no changing station in the bathroom. I don't think you're allowed to call a place FAMILY if you don't have a place to change your kid's underpants. Can you tell I have a little one? Luckily - it was a childless night out where I didn't have to change a diaper at the FAMILY grill but I am tired of places that say they're "family friendly" and don't have a place for me to take my child to the bathroom. Have you ever changed your kid on a bathroom floor? Maybe they don't mind if I change them right at the table that I'm eating at. That's sanitary right? I'll get back to you on a review about their food IF i ever return.

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