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    I have no beef with this place. I wouldn't take a date here though.

    Think of Stanley's as an old sports bar with a few faithful patrons who hang around. I've been here a handfull of times to watch Shark's games. There's usually 20-30 people for a regular game.

    The beer and food here are pretty good but hard to get - by that I mean the guy who tends bar also drives the zamboni, sharpens the skates, cooks the food and I think he also shingles the roof. AKA, he shows up once a period for 10 mins to take orders. If you don't get your order in...you're screwed for about 30 minutes.

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    Pretty much what you'd expect - no frills, but the food is good.  The selection isn't huge but the fries are good!

    I prefer the S 10th street location.

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  • 0

    Yelp says it well Two stars equals Meh. I've experienced better.

    If your looking for a cool spot to watch a hockey game in Fremont then this is definitely the spot to be.

    If your looking for a place to eat then you should probably think twice.

    If this place is a must then I would suggest you stay home for the day games since Stanley's doesn't serve drinks or food until 6PM.

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  • 0

    watch the Sharks here

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