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    My group of hungry hikers stopped at Sugarfoot's looking for sandwiches we could take to the beach. The outside is unpretentious, but don't pass this up. The friendly staff, well crafted burgers, sandwhices, rice bowls, and homemade desserts are awesome for your beach side lunch to go or dine in their cozy seating area.
    I will definitely be back, this is a great stop.

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    If it weren't for my husband, I never would have stopped at this very nondescript looking restaurant...but I'm really glad I did!  Great casual, creative, fresh and healthy fare. We'd been staying in Oceanside for a week and we were complaining that there was no where to get a good, cold sandwich (several fine dining options though). Then we discovered Sugarfoots on our last day. Wish we'd discovered it sooner.

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    This place is fantastic. So nice to have a good restaurant open up in the area. Perfect for those times you don't want to cook but also do not want to sit down to an expensive meal. Their prices are extreemly fair especially considering how good the food is. Everything on the menu looks delightful. We ordered the Zo Boy sub and the Spartan Gyro. YUM! can not wait to try some of the other things they offer. The staff was very friendly. I gave it 5 stars due to the fact that for what it is... a small restaurant that mostly offers food to go...it's as good as it gets. Highly suggest you give this place a try.

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    Living in a very small town means very limited choices on where to eat. Tried this place for our last staff meeting, and man were we impressed! Not only is their food delicious, but their service is outstanding! They opened up early for us to get our orders completed in time for our meeting, and when I called with questions about their menu, staff were completely helpful (even on my second call) and described the dishes in a very effective manner.

    I ordered the Veggie-Rice Bowl with Teriyaki chicken skewers and the orzo pasta salad. The chicken skewers were cooked to perfection, and the veggie rice bowl really filled me up! My coworker order the P.B. & A.  and shared it with me. Peanut butter, homemade apple butter, apple slices, and bacon. Call me crazy, but it was absolutely delicious. Could be the pregnancy talking...or the fact that anything topped with bacon is a winner in my book.

    They also sent along cookie jerky (a mint and a regular chocolate kind). This is a must order item!!! So chewy and delectable! Also, the decaf hibiscus tea is so refreshing, and it is sweetened with agave nectar for those of you worried about your sugar intake. I was just happy it was decaf! Nobody carries decaf iced tea these days.  

    Great lunch or dinner option for those who live on the coast, or those just passing through. Can't wait to try more on their menu!

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