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    We went there for breakfast and ended up eating lunch, the service was very good and the food was even better. I could recommend Sunny's to anyone.

    Great little place for family and friends.
    We will be back

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    This right here is 'Merica.

    Let me stress one thing here. The prices are INsanely cheap. I mean the kind of out of control cheapness that you might expect plastered on the wall in a 70s shoot-em-up where the bank robbers/Tom Cruise/robots stroll into an American roadside diner and paint the walls. A big fat plate of "Campfire Breakfast" (read: Hobo Breakfast) Will cost you something like $5. Pancakes are $3 or so. Et cetera.

    Plus you receive the unadulterated experience of what diners were for our grandparents. That $128 J. Crew vest won't fit in here, so consider leaving it in the car.

    Come n git it, as it were.

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    I like this place! I wasn't expecting much and it's nothing fancy-in fact it's pretty dive-y, but the food has a good, home-cooked taste to it. I didn't feel like everything was chucked out of a freezer and warmed up like so many places. I love that the fries seemed fresh cut and my friend's pancakes smelled delicious! Our server was a sweetheart! Now that I know what Sunny D's is about, won't be so easy not to stop when driving through Huachuca City. In fact, think I'd rather go here than some other places in SV, especially for breakfast.

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    Listen, it is a small down diner, and I think the food to price ratio is GREAT! Now, they may not always adhere to whatever "posted" hours they have, but if you hit the place before 1pm, you are almost sure to get served. When you order the steak and eggs, the steak has got some fat on it, but the plate the eggs, hashbrowns and steak come on, is as big as my FACE! That would be enough alone, but then I order the pancakes, which are also as big as my FACE! The servers are great and the food is not some cookie cuter microwaved food, it is made, in the kitchen. If I am in the mood to eat a lot for a little, I love Sunny D's!!!

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    The food here is really good, everything is fresh and tasty. The restaurant itself is very basic and not fancy, but it is clean and comfortable. The waitresses are fast and friendly. Prices are very reasonable, especially considering the high quality ingredients and the large portions. Lot's of the food is made fresh, like the chorizo and salsa, both are excellent, hash browns and home fries are cut right from a fresh potato. They'll make the food any way you want it and there are specials every day. I love places like this, reminds me of the way things used to be, not like the predictable frozen garbage from the chain restaurants.

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    The only good thing about this place is the waitress' attitude, possibly because she appears to be the owner as well and truly needed something positive to fall back on. Ate breakfast here with some friends this morning; I've done some dumb things in my life but this was a new record even for me. When we arrived, we found dead flies littering table and floor, and live ones crawling on and buzzing around everything else. The waitress' solution to this minor problem was to hand one member of our party a flyswatter. My initial thought was that the flies had entered this morning, possibly through the wide-open back door located about ten feet from an overflowing garbage can, because they were attracted to the kitchen more than the rotting garbage. Then, I realized that from their sheer numbers, they had to have been breeding in the restaurant itself for some time now. Food quality was so bad I had to liberally douse my plate with hot sauce to make it edible, and I still ended up throwing it up as soon as I got home. Dishes, cups, and flatware were all dirty, possibly due to the waitress' habit of stacking dirty dishes on the front counter so close as to be physically touching the 'clean' ones. Only one waitress and one 'cook' working today, so by the time the last members of our group got their food, the first ones were already done and ready to leave (presumably to vomit). I strongly recommend avoiding this place - even the Circle K stop-n-rob two blocks down the street has better food (and is cleaner, too).

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