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    I never go to Prior Lake but this night was an exception due to the fact I met up with an old friend from high school who was in need of a drink.

    This joint wasn't too far from the alchohol-free behemeth, Mystic Lake, so we opted to stop in for a pint.

    The decor and overall feel of this place is a slight rip of of Applebees with an "Irish twist".  However, judging by their menu, drink selection, and decor, the only thing "Irish" about this place was their bar mascot/logo.

    The wait staff was slightly slow despite only having a few patrons in the place.  However, the beer was cheap and served in Mason jars which is always a nice "throwback to the past".  They also had a spacious patio that would make having a toddie on a warm night, rather pleasant.  

    Don't expect to be stunned here but if left with few options in Prior Lake, this might be a good starting point.

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