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    Tim's little brewery is such a treat to visit.  He's a wonderful host, and always makes me feel welcome.  Oh, and the beer's really delicious!

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    YAY! I'm a fan! Like all true stories I am forced to start this review with "so there I was"...

    So there I was, minding my own business,  when I felt sober and called my friend to get the address for the "mystery brewery" in Graham. He knew what I was talking about, having an unsuccessful MT Head Brewery quest a month earlier, and sent me the address. I found it with the help of my Garmin Nav unit. Well, I should say I found a cul de sac with a single spiky-looking-gate with a giant video camera next to it. I called the phone number I was given and was told to wait a second while they opened the gates of the stronghold.

    Beyond the cameras, gate, Phougas, and machine-gun nests was a magical kingdom where unicorns grazed in fields of hops and barley.  Well I didn't actually see any unicorns, but what else could they be protecting? Frickin fantablous beer is what.

    For being a two-barrel brewery that is in what amounts to an over sized garage, he makes great beer. I tried a pale, IPA, CDA, and at least two others. I could not detect an off-flavor in any of them. I got to try the Cascadian Dark Ale (CDA), a style which I don't particularly like, but it was phenomenal beer. I intend to obtain some for my dad next time I pass through.  

    In short, this might be a slightly odd place, but it is totally worth the trip. Have the patience to drive out in the middle of nowhere and you will be rewarded with some tasty beer.

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