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    Tanners is closed!  A fantastic place.  Run by an English family.  Named after the grandson.  Then they sold it and it went right down the tubes and then closed.  Shows how very important management is.

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    This place is closed

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    Since my last review I have eaten here many times. The sweet potato fries, as awful as they were that first time, were a fluke and have been delicious each time since. I have had quite a few things on the menu now, even the escargot (!!), and it has all been great! I love the fish and chips, shepherd's pie, Cesar salad, and the chicken alfredo.

    I was not a fan of the lobster crepes or the scallops (very heavy sauce). Just too much cream/sauce for me but if you're into that style, you'd probably like them.

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    So disappointed with service last nitr (Fri). Food was good (swordfish) but computers were down and took so long to get salad or meals.  Afterr two meals arrived, had to wait 10 mins for third meal. And 20 minutes for 4th meal. But, last two meals were comped and mgmt very apologetic. Female waiters very helpful and empathetic. Our waiter Tom only appeared twice all eve. . .to take order and deliver drinks. Hm m m

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    Good pub-like atmosphere. Front- and back-deck eating, along with inside booths, tables and a bar. Good food, good service. Business casual.

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    Tanners pub caters to 20 somethings.  But it's a cozy bar in the center of downtown Winter Haven.  Weekends get extremely crowded but on any given weekday you'll see businessmen in suits, locals in jeans, and just nice, normal people enjoying food and drink.  If you've never been to the city, this is a great place to start.  It's got a neighborhood bar feel and the staff is extremely friendly.

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