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    Terry B's is a new tavern on the west side of Hamilton. It's not a big place, and the owner is sociable and does his best to keep his customers happy. There isn't a lot of seating/tables in the place, and if the band is popular, you may end up standing through the night (I did). If you want a drink, it seems you have to go up to the bar, no waiter/waitress service (maybe it was just because it was a busy Friday). The good news is, the drinks are on the cheap side. I was paying $3 or so for a pint of Sam Adam's.

    If smoke bothers you, you may want to know that people smoke in this bar despite the ban. As compared to Kentucky bars, it's nothing overwhelming, but it is there.

    The other thing to note is that Terry B's seems to draw an older crowd. If you're 21 and out for your first drinking binge, you won't be shunned, but this is probably not the crowd you're looking for. When I was there, it seemed most folks were in their 40's and up.

    I got a chance to talk with Terry B while I was there. Really nice guy, really enjoyed the place. He seems to be trying to create a place that the locals will go to. I will go back again.

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