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    This place has a big humidor and lounge area with comfortable leather couches and big TVs. The staff is awesome as well.

    I came in the other day with my friend and told the man behind the counter that we had no idea how to smoke cigars but wanted to learn. He then spent 10-15 minutes teaching us about cigars and the etiquette and technique involved with smoking them. It was extremely helpful and nice of him.

    The comfortable, friendly, and accommodating atmosphere, combined with BYOB, makes this an awesome place to hang out and bring friends.

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    I have been to cigar lounges around the country and this easily ranks among the top.  Talk about a hidden gem in a small town in Central Texas.  First off, the lounge area is massive, with 4 HDTVs, leather couches and chairs to easily seat 30, plus several high-top tables and a coffee counter area with leather high-backs.  The atmosphere is quiet and relaxing with the ability to enjoy a cigar and watch the game or have a conversation.

    The store side features a nice selection of tobacco products and accoutrements for cigars and pipes.  Most impressive is the gigantic walk-in humidor with a premium cigar selection rivaling big-city stores in NY and DC.  The major difference is the price point, which is so low I am buying boxes for friends who work in cigar stores in the northeastern US!

    Even though I had never been here before I was greeted with famed Texas hospitality and met some wonderful people, both staff and regulars alike.  The one downside is that they do not sell alcohol, though you are encouraged to bring your own and they will provide glasses, ice and anything else you may need.  They also offer a very nice boutique coffee selection.

    If you are anywhere in the area, make a trip up here.  You will be more than glad you did!

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    TJ's Cigar Lounge is truly an amazing asset to McGregor, TX.  It is the largest cigar lounge in Texas and boasts one of the most amazing walk-in humidors you will find anywhere.  The selection of cigars is amazing and they also blend their own pipe tobacco.  The lounge features several large HD TVs, leather furniture, and an excellent ventilation system.  If you are anywhere in the area, you simply MUST check this place out.  You can even BYOB.  In addition to tobacco, they also sell gourmet coffee.  Free wifi is available as well.

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