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    I'm not a hay picking, corn shucking hick to be writing about a TA. I was doing the cross country trip thing and wary of truck stops being a city girl myself and a prissy one at that. Did I mention I'm allergic to flannel and Old Leather? But finally after 18 hours of non-stop driving, a girl's gotta stop and take a little break.

    I walked into the Country Pride with polka dotted Wellies, a LOUD red North Face  ski jacket, and a black Prada with a Jane Greene book in hand, so yeah I was a little out of place and getting stared at. Being out of place makes me feel uncomfortable to begin with but ahhhh, Midwesterners and their hospitality always shines through.

    I had the two eggs combo with sausage, breakfast potatoes and sourdough bread and it was just like being at home on a Sunday making breakfast for me and the animals. The eggs came out over medium (just as I requested), the breakfast potatoes weren't burned and just flaky enough to comfortably get bites in without trying to cram too much in my mouth like those burned hash brown pancakes I've had before. I love how these places butter your bread for you and there's loads and loads of jam (not preserves, jam) at your disposal.
    This place is a total truck stop-there's no denying it. Nothing but men, unshaven, in flannel-MILES of flannel and not much atmosphere going on here but then again, I didn't come for that.

    The coffee was hot, fresh, and always coming. I'm a coffee fanatic and if you'd just stick an I.V. in me with some Sumatra blend, I'm good to go. My server was a really nice girl who was way overworked but still on top of things. I never was in want and she asked the right questions at the right time. Being a restaurant manager, people always tell me I'm super critical about my service but maybe I am. This girl rocked though. I need to import more Midwesterners to my restaurant 'cause they certainly know what service really is. I left her a fat tip and an invite to my restaurant anytime. She actually went there once on vacation before I got a chance to snag her so maybe I'll get myself a new server sometime this year. Hmmm...and soon I will have an army of awesome Midwesterners invading San Francisco! Bwa ha ha! Finally, people who work!!

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