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    What is Turkelton's?  It seems that they are trying to be a lot of things to a variety of people - so much going on - but is this really a good thing in this case?  They've been open a while, so I don't really understand the unpreparedness on their grand opening night.  We didn't eat - we barely got drinks - food was not being suggested and there were no menus in sight.  If nothing else, please add some "facilities" for goodness sake.  Credit to the bar staff - I think they were too slammed to even complain, they earned their money for sure.  In all fairness, I was told in the ladies room line, that it's not usually this busy.  Beer choices were the usual.  I would love to see craft beers on draft, but I'm in the minority on that as I've seen in all local establishments around here.  I should add that they have live music.  It appeared that some patrons were really enjoying themselves in spite of it all, so good luck Turkelton's.

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