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    Nice, affordable place to get a beer and some bar food. Nothing spectacular, the staff is always nice and there is usually an interesting crowd there. I enjoy there sandwiches and they have some good appetizers. If you are looking for a townie bar and cheap prices Uncle Bob's is a good place to go

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    Ok, let's start by saying you don't go here if you are looking for gourmet food or pristine surroundings. The gravel parking lot should tell you a lot. I don't know if there is or ever was an uncle bob or if he was a 'good ol uncle bob' as it says on their sign. Not sure I want to know. What I do know is that they have good family/bar food that is tasty, plentiful, and cheap. I've never been to the bar side, only the restaurant. Been going here for over ten years when I want to get a culture refresher. It's local. It's a dive. It's good. You'll see a diverse selection of people - all ages. Some of the food is like mom used to make like the soups, meatloaf, some of the specials. Depending on YOUR mom, that could be a good or bad thing. I love their Cajun steak hoagie and their meatball hoagie is large and has great sauce. You cant go wrong. I never even tried to have a beer here cause I don't like those light beers or bud. But if you want to fill up and do it cheaply, this more than fits the bill!

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