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    I hate to be one of "those" Yelpers, but I forgot to review this pizza parlor near the home of my girlfriend's grandparents, whom I met for the first time a few weeks ago. Her... errr...Pop-Pop, who during New Year's weekend  gave me more nicknames than I can count, including Debbin, Devin, Dirk, and Dinklefink, ordered pies for all of us from Valley Pizza, a place he swears by, and MAN does he swear! His language is positively ultramarine! And he's a retired English teacher to boot!

    He also has choice taste in pizzas. I honestly (put down the tomatoes), don't remember the pizza in detail (it was a thin crust), but it was quite delicious and could hang amongst any the big city pizzas I've had as well as show those urban slickers a thing or two.

    Kay's grandparents live in what is essentially the mountains, so we ate our pizza while watching woodland creatures go about their business and listening to Pop-Pop tell his many tales. Surreal. Usually its franks o'er the campfire out 'round these parts.

    People of Benton, you are blessed with good pizza and beautiful scenery.

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