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    First of all-
    I am an extremely picky pizza eater. I absolutely despise pizza that isn't what I view as "complete." By complete I mean not only are the toppings and the appearance paid attention to, but the crust is given just as much consideration. At this joint, everything has undergone absolute and total thought before a single pizza ever came out of their ovens!
    They only use real California cheese. It's gooey. It's melty. It's goooooooood. The toppings choices are plenty and include your standard choices and a list of several premium toppings. Sauces are also a choice and vary from basic marinara to hot sauce and then some! Westside offers a lot of specialty pizzas as well. In addition to pizza, their menu also offers the standard appetizers, bread, salad, soda, and dessert choices. It's all pretty tasty if you ask me...
    I always get delivery. For some reason they always say 45 min to an hour, but I usually see Mr. Delivery Dude within 25-30 min. The delivery person is always cheery and talkative, and ensures that I have all I need and that my order is correct. (Mr. Delivery Dude- you're pretty hot, too!)
    My pizza had never arrived in any way other than fresh, hot, and perfect the way I like it... (Again, same goes for Mr. Delivery Dude!)
    Cost wise- yeah it's more expensive than your average pizza joint- but this place isn't average. Real ingredients mean reallllllllly good pizza!
    Join their email list and pizza club for free goodies as well.

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