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    White Horse is just laid-back fun.  It's located on the Main Street in Burton, and you can't miss it because it's got a big white stallion statue out front.  They serve light snacks -- burgers, sandwiches -- beer and wine.  The old building has stood up well, and there's a big-screen T.V. for those who can't be without the latest sport being played.  There's some outdoor seating under the big oaks, clean bathrooms.  The prices are very reasonable.  Situated right down the street from the Cotton Gin Museum, it's a great day trip for the family from Houston.  Very pleasant.  Sone nights there is live music.  Call for details.

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    This is the place to go! The owner and bartenders are really friendly and the atmosphere is really laid back and relaxing. Love the old timey decor. Lots of history on those walls. Great live music some weekends and a great jukebox selection if there is none. Huge big screen TV. Picnic tables and a great front porch outside! Really good drink prices too!

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