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    Of all the places to run across an artisan bakery, Calvert wouldn't be at the top of my list.  I pass through the area frequently for work, so eventually I drifted in curious as to what baked goods there were to offer.

    The lady at the counter amused me.  She's exuberant, friendly, quirky and clearly enjoyed bantering about the history of the restaurant, kolaches, and why the sausages wrapped in dough are actually "klobasnikies" and have been mangled and confused into the wrong name across Texas.  I could see the two owners hard at work in the kitchen making more goodies and apparently they still use their Czech grandmother's recipe.  That's cool.

    The kolaches come in an astounding 27 varieties which feature rather specific and interesting flavors including: blackberry, key lime, raspberry truffle, Bavarian cream, etc. - in addition to the regular and traditional flavors.  I ordered a couple and I was extremely impressed.  The pastry is sweet and fluffy, and the fillings are spot-on.  Tasty!  I was not surprised to see several awards hanging on their wall.

    I also tried a klobasnik, but the unfortunately the magic wasn't carried over.  The pastry volume overwhelmed the meat, and there wasn't enough spice or flavor in the meat for balance.  

    I'll be back, but I'll stick to the kolaches!

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    The kolaches are delicious!! The owners use their grandmothers old Czech recipe-you know czechs make the best! The shop is also decorated with tons of history. (They've won awards at Westfest in West, Texas- the kolache capital of Texas.)

    So if you're making the drive to Waco or Houston then reward yourself with some of these kolaches-you won't regret it!

    The owner and staff are very friendly and welcoming. Last time I was there they gave me flyer indicating that they'll conveniently ship the kolaches to you...

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    Try it all, love it all. That good.

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    Best fruit kolaches I have ever had! Just the right amount of sweet and doesn't fall into tasting like it's filled with store bought jelly. Sadly I live in Houston and can't frequent it as much as I desire, but it is a must stop on the way to see my sister in Waco.

    It's located in the small town of Calvert, from the outsider's perspective it's just an old roadside town trying to hold things together. Don't be afraid of how its looks, its totally worth the stop. Beware it's only street parking!

    The store boasts 26 flavors, and there are some chocolate varieties. Don't expect any sausage here, these are fruit and fantastic! Although she does keep some in the cooler for those who stop in the store and don't know any better.

    The owner is very talkative, but don't expect her to remember you. We went two days back to back, on the second day she asked us if we had been in before.

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    Wow! The owner makes these kolaches by hand. The smell when you walk by is of yeast and fresh bread. We got a dozen assorted and they were wonderful.

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    The food was great and the owner animated and passionate about Kolaches (not to be confused with the "pigs in a blanket" served under the same name) I now know that Kolaches are a sweat treat originally made as part of a wedding event. No matter... if you eat them savory or if you eat them sweet, these bread wrapped treats are awesome. I also came away with a jar of fresh jam, made from local berries (so I'm told) that I have yet to sample. If you are in the area, this is well worth a stop to get breakfast or mid-day snack.

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    disclaimer: my mom sometimes swears by places. can't blame her.

    back story: my sister is in school in Belton, TX and College Station is a nice half-way point for each party. We will sometimes meet her there for lunch on the weekend or something of that sort. Well this past weekend, we just HAD to go to Calvert (which is about 30 extra minutes for the party from Houston).

    situation: We met my sister here on Saturday b/c she wasn't able to come home for Easter. and we just so happened to have left early enough that we made it to Calvert for some breakfast. Here is the part where I talk about delicious kolaches and how this town (what do you call something smaller than a town?) came to house it. This lady makes kolaches every morning and lives upstairs. She has twenty something *unique flavors and some "normal" ones if you aren't feeling adventurous. *key lime and chocolate cheese cake just to name a few. They are a dollar each.

    but wait.. tip now and she will sing for you. I just got her song out of my head aaaaaand now it is back.

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