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    It's true, Zigzags does have the cheaper drinks in town.  It's also on the strip so you will see a mix of drunk locals and tourists.

    I visited about 4 times in my 4 days in LP and both bartenders I interacted with were beyond friendly and accommodating.  

    I give them credit for what they have to deal with on a nightly basis...I saw a couple arguments defused within seconds.

    This is far down on the strip so if you stayed down the road like I did you will have a chill walk back to your hotel.  The cops crawl at night, DWI is not tolerated in this town so be warned, be smart and be safe.

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    Strong liquor drinks and cool bar-backs. Good place to get shwasted. Greasy bastards in and outta the back room, assuming you could powder your nose back there if your into that shit. BYOB, bring your own broad not much hole to be had.

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    Buy one draft or well drink, and get the second one free.  Wednesdays and Thursdays.  For six bucks I got four drinks and I couldn't be happier.

    I stopped on a Thursday and was surprised to see the place vacant.  The prices here are cheap and you can also buy a zig zag shirt here while you are in town.

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    This is a great little bar with plenty of room to enjoy your drinks, and no shortage of  popular activities for alcohol-induced nights. They have a jukebox, a pool table, two dart boards, and a foosball table. The drink prices are low, or at least low compared to the prices I normally willingly pay. The bartenders were nice and always brought their attention to our empty glasses. ZigZags has a good selection of beer, don't go lightly on the liquor in their mixed drinks, and a comfortable atmosphere.

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    Whoa, this is the place to be apparently. Stopped in on a friday night and it was the only place on main street this packed. It had a okay selection of beers, but pretty high prices if I'm remembering right.  Had a pool table, and some live music, lots of TV's. Nice young crowd.

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    "It's raining in Lake Placid, let's not hike, let's drink"
    by Josh K.

    Good beer, darts, pool table, strong gin and tonics, classic rock, the regretable tequila shots, lots of  townies and tourists side by side.

    The MLB playoffs are on.  My attention turns away from my game of darts.  

    Grand slam by Cano, Yanks win!

    Good times!

    Terrible hangover...

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    Just a regular bar here. I believe the night I went there was a band so that was cool. Bartenders are very nice. Drinks seemed reasonably priced. It struck me as a local bar though I could be wrong. Everyone seemed to know everyone and I think they knew me and my buddies were outta-towners. Not a bad time but now crazy fun either.

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