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    Bouncers there hate women and are rude.... my girlfriend had some drunk stranger walk up to her and grab her breast and squeeze it (in the bar). This is an assault in Michigan. I reported it to a bouncer and told him to throw the guy out (who grabbed my friend). The bouncer got real nasty and in my face and said that he was going to throw ME out. ME?!?!? Very nasty and aggressive. His message is; if you try to make me do my job (and protect you) I will let the offender go and turn my anger on YOU. NICE. Avoid this place at all costs. Overpriced, loud and scummy anyway.

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    It's been a very long time since I've spent any time at 336. I remember when they first opened how it was more of an upscale older crowd and over the years the clientele has changed more and more. Their drinks are still made well and they're still on the pricey side but the crowd now is more of a mid 30's range, mostly young professionals looking to have a good time. The DJ was pretty solid this last Saturday and the smallish dance floor was mobbed with fun people. The ambiance is still subtly swanky and the vibe is one that I liked. There is a second bar in the basement that was also standing room only so they must do pretty well here. I'll definitely be back but it's one of those places you really need to be in the mood for...if you were planning on a relaxed inexpensive night this isn't the place for you on the weekend but if you wanna meet some singles, mingle over a stiff drink and dance then this is your option for the locale.

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    I really like this place. If I lived in the area, this would be my local spot. I'm not sure if I like the basement bar more than the upstairs, but both are spots I could see myself routinely.

    Nick, the bartender, knows his drinks. If anyone wants something fancy, odd, or even new... Nick is the guy. The upstairs staff is awesome too. The first time I was here they got to know me right away and I enjoyed talking to them. The prices are comparable for Plymouth bars. I like the atmosphere, its chill most of the time, but from what I understand some dancing occurs?! I haven't been around for that, but sounds fun.

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    I have only been here for the recent Yelp Elite event, but my experience at this event really makes me want to return to check them out for a regular service!

    Nick, the bartender who was with us all night, was knowledgeable and passionate about the craft of bartending, as well as charming and not too bad on the eyes.  :)  The drinks I had here were some of the best I've had anywhere - due in part to the smooth Tito's vodka (sponsoring our event) but also to Nick's care to use just the right measurements and combinations of ingredients, including all kinds of awesome fresh fruits and mint and basil leaves.  He said something early in the evening that I found pretty cool - that, as a bartender, if he served a long island and someone told him they couldn't taste the booze in it, he would take it as a compliment because a truly good bartender can make a drink still palatable even with a generous amount of liquor in it.  

    We were mostly in the downstairs area, but I did take a peek upstairs before I left.  The whole place has a cozy, intimate feel to it, and the Christmas lights made it even cuter.  From what I've heard, it gets packed on weekends, but this Tuesday night was a perfectly chill crowd.

    I never have a reason to go to Plymouth, ever...but the drinks at 336 were so special that I would go out of my way to come here again, just to try a few more.

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    This place is ok, it's not great but it works for a few drinks.  The place is small so it's hard to get around, it's not easy to get a drink at the bar but the waitstaff is usually pretty on point.  The guys that hang out here are all really young & made me feel like a cougar, except the piano/DJ guy was older & when I asked him to play a recent song he looked at me like I was crazy & said he didn't have it & at that point I realized that there is no rhyme or reason to this place.  I would come back again but think this is a better place for me to start my night rather than a place to spend my night.

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    This bar has two distinct faces.  I originally came here for the downstairs martini bar.  It is a very relaxed, very chill and quiet atmosphere to get some drinks with friends and have a good conversation.  

    Unfortunately, its been trying to be more of "dance club" type place in the upstairs portion.  Upstairs is crowded, and VERY loud, to the point you have to yell at your friends to talk to them.

    Sometimes the downstairs will be closed, so you will be forced to sit upstairs.  

    The crowd this place attracts is older.  Expect to see middle aged women having a "girls night" dancing and drinking upstairs.

    If you are a 20 something, I would avoid this place, UNLESS you come on an off night and the downstairs is open.

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    My wife and I went here Saturday night and had a fantastic time.  The entertainment was great!

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    Came here for an after party after a surprise retirement party in Canton last Saturday wound down. It was recommended by the family we came here to visit, and they hit it on the nail. I liked my experience here at 336 Main. They have what appears to be a primo location in the heart of Plymouth, love that small downtown area there, great place to hang! I can see why 336 Main would be a popular stop around there.

    Everyone was nice, from the bouncer at the door (commenting that I must of hit the gym today as well and shook my hand) to the bartenders that served us downstairs where we all gathered to continue the night's party this past weekend. They made some great Cosmos, and I tried what they called the Pomegranate which was a great change.

    The patronage upstairs appeared to be of all groups, younger, mid, older, and all appeared to be having a good time. I wish we had more time to spend upstairs checking out the club but what I did see of it, I liked.

    Bottom line: Good experience, great drinks, and primo location. Thumbs up!

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    Besides being grandma central some nights, this an okay bar. I like their martinis but they are a little over priced, however, being that its in DTP I expect to pay more. I have never been impressed with the service there except for this older woman who seems to work the door/hostess position some nights. She went out of her way to find my group and I a table even though the place was crowded, even moving chairs around for us.

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    I'm a big fan of Plymouth in general and used to really like this place. However, I don't think I'll ever go back. Me and my friends sat at a table during a slow time on a Tuesday. Shortly after an obnoxious older man and his buddies made us get up and leave to sit at another table because it was "his table." We tried to get the men to leave but they we're so annoying and we didn't feel like getting into an argument. They also made the table of four guys behind us leave to another table.  Our waitress and bartender acted like this was totally normal behavior and this guy does this all the time.  Not really a way to get customers into your Resturant if you ask me. We left shortly after because it seemed like such a crappy thing to do.

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    This place is disgusting.  I have been several times before, and found it to be crowded, stuffy and over-priced.  Last night was no different, except for the fact that they actually discriminated against my friend who is quadriplegic and in a wheelchair.  The only place in the bar where the wheelchair would have been 'out of the way' was on their measly dance floor that only had about 3 people on it.  My friends and I were dancing around and within 2 minutes, one of the crotchety owners decided to tell us that her wheelchair was "in the way" and we needed to be moved to a table (there weren't any open tables) WHAT?! Can we say discrimination?  Disgusting. We had to leave since there were no empty tables, and at that point no one wanted to stay.  The waitresses actually apologized for their delusional owners which leads me to believe that they treat their employees equally as bad.  Seriously, if you want a martini, I will make you one before I recommend you go to this place.

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    I fortunately had the opportunity to be a frequenter (ah....21 seems such a distant memory now) of this place when I think it was in it's prime. I really miss the comfy couches and comfy chairs 336! I know they have been gone for a couple years now, but what gives? Maybe it's just in my head and maybe not however, I feel like since the kind of loungey coolness of this place went....with it went it's customers. When ever I am back home and visit here it never seems to be busy. Maybe it's my timing? It not being busy isn't  altogether a bad thing, I know this is a good place to pop into and catch up with friends over a quiet drink. The drinks are pretty good, but. I think they could get their bartender to be a bit more inventive with the martini menu. I find them a little unimaginative....I will admit though I am spoiled when It comes to martinis being a city girl now. Like I said, not a bad place to pop into for a quiet drink and a chat. If you are looking for a bit more hustle you may want to head down the street.

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    The great thing about 336 Main is their location. They are located right on the main street in Plymouth overlooking the park. They have outdoor seating on the sidewalk in the summer and big windows with high tables in the winter.  They don't really serve food, just a few small appetizers, but the martinis are pretty good.

    We like to go for happy hour, when it's not too busy and prices are good. The service is reliable and atmosphere not bad. They have a well stocked bar and will make custom martinis in addition to the specialty ones in their menu.

    Great little spot in Plymouth to sit down for a couple of drinks and watch the world go by.

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    I was here once. The upstairs was crowded, but downstairs was not, so we sat down there at the bar. It took a bit of time to get our drinks, but we weren't in a hurry, so it wasn't a problem. The PB&J martini was so unique and delicious!

    very tasty drinks.

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    depends on the night.....can be a great place or a good place.   good stoli dolis!

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    Yep... Many years later hmmm like 10 I still love 336!  My favorite Martini's, The China White and the Snowball!  Creamy and delicious!  A quiet place to meet up for a drink on Tuesdays and Wednesdays but much busier Thur-Sat nights!  

    A bit pricey but well worth it.

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    Ok, you know that one TV show is with Courtney Cox and Cougars? (I cannot remember the name and I am way to lazy to google it right now)  That is what I think of whenever I head into 336 Main in downtown Plymouth.  Don't get me wrong, I still will hang out in there with my Plymouth based girlfriends, but cougar patrol is out in full force in this bar.  This place gets packed on the weekends with the plymouth/canton trendies.  I just like it for the martini list and the company (meaning my BFFs).  They have these great martini samplers that I enjoy getting when I cannot make up my mind or if I want to feel extra lush-cious.  The live music also a great addition on the weekends, I always hear some great covers, such as Barry White, along with the usual obligatory covers that I feel that any cover band needs to play. (Journey, anyone?)  Service here is decent, I think only once did I encounter a waitress who was having an "off" night to say the least.  I love how the 'bouncer' here is an older women of retirement age.  I truly believe that this place does so well because its the only martini game in town...guess that's what happens in small, quaint downtown Plymouth; but it will do for a martini, a good cover song and a catch up with amazing friends.

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    I must be spoiled by the Woodward corridor, but if this is as hip as Plymouth gets, I won't be leaving Oakland County anytime soon.
    1. The "bouncer" checking IDs at the door was a 65-year-old woman. Just sayin'.
    2. The singer was AWESOME! But the crowd seemed bummed that she was doing Al Green and Blood, Sweat and Tears instead of Lady Gaga and Dave Matthews band. Really, she made the night.
    3. We came in with a group of 13, and our cocktail waitress did an alright job of keeping us all fortified with booze. However, at the end of the night, as we were leaving, she ran after me and said that I didn't pay for my last cocktail. Okay ... we were all on a group tab, so I don't really know how that was my problem. And we had spent over $250 ... so did you really need to chase after that last five bucks? We gave her a $20 and she didn't offer to make change, so we just let her have it.
    4. I went out once with my stepdad to have a cigarette in the alley. The 65-year-old bouncer was giving us the stare-down on the way out (I was holding his hand because it was crowded). When we got back, and she CARDED my 53-year-old stepdad, and carded me for the third time, and commented on how young I was (25?), I realized she must have thought we were together. So I said, "You made my dad's night by carding him (untrue), and she blushed and got embarrassed.
    5. The only time people danced, it was the hustle turned conga line. conga line. no, it wasn't a wedding.

    UGH. Does anyone know any better bars in Plymouth? I'm spending a lot of time out at my parents' in Novi ... but I swear, I just won't go out if it's always this lame.

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    Tons of super hot women of all ages!  

    Who cares if there is minimal food, the drinks are overpriced, and it's crowded and smoky?  Not me...the abundance of ladies sweeps all that under the rug.

    Tom, one of the owners, is cool as hell and he knows how to have a good time with his customers.

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    This place has so many great things going for it, that I'm amazed they can't seem to get it right.

    Great location, good sized building and it's sandwiched between some mid to high priced restaurants that should capture the right wallets. But alas, their overpriced drinks, spotty service and refusal to change has them stuck in 2002.

    336 Main probably continues to get by thanks to locals or Plymouth workers who want a well made martini and are forced to come here because they're the only game in town. Unfortunately, this complacency of being the only game in town means they haven't changed much in the decade or so that they've been open

    As Joey U mentioned, the layout is terrible. The downstairs bar is really terribly laid out. I do remember enjoying a few cigars here in the past in some of the leather club chairs topside, but cigar smoking ist jetzt verboten (if I don't use my German fluency every now and then I'll lose it!).

    Drinks are overpriced for what you get, and depending on which bartender is behind the lumber, you might not get a great martini. Admittedly there are a few there that really know what they're doing. The crowd is varied depending on what night you're there and I've been there with friends on several occasions to go hear a piano player only to not have them show.

    It may be Plymouth's only martini bar, but there are plenty of other establishments in the area that can make you a good one (across the alley at Compari for example). 336 main isn't bad, it's just not memorable enough to go into unless you have friends that absolutely want that dark lounge feel, with leather chairs and couches that haven't been replaced in a decade.

    They're not bad if you need a martini fix, but I'd suggest making the trek to Royal Oak, Ann Arbor or even Cherry Hill Village for a more updated establishment and drinks that are priced a bit more reasonably.

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    Had a really good time here the other night.  I didn't realize Plymouth had a nice little downtown area.

    I was here for drinks on Thursday.  There was an amazing musician there who played the guitar, piano, and the trumpet.  He was really really good.  It totally made the atmosphere very chill.

    They allowed cigars here but they made me move to a corner where there were no people.  There aren't many people hear on Thursdays so I wonder what they would have done with me when it gets crowded.

    As I lit my cigar, the guy performed Dave Matthew's Band's "Crush" which was perfect timing.

    The drinks were expensive but everyone there was real nice.  Atmosphere was great.

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    Too much cigarette smoke
    Drinks are over priced and over iced
    Weird crowd - some days it's a younger group and sometimes I feel like old men are drooling at the bar
    Too cramped - especially downstairs. If you're over five foot five you'll feel claustraphobic with the low basement ceiling.

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    1. Great Location

    2. Over -Priced drinks hurts their business from locals.

    3. Little or no food, they get Pizza from Comparis next door.

    4. It is an over 40- meat market.

    5. Could be so much better if they had owners that knew what they were doing.

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    Ahhh, memories.

    Back when I reviewed bars for a (well, part of a) living, this was the very first one I was assigned. It was for the Detroit Free Press in 2002, and I went all the way to Plymouth from Ferndale, interviewed the manager, tried one martini -- I think a Lemon Drop, yum -- and had one beer. Then, as I was driving out of Plymouth, I got pulled over, ordered to do drunk tests, Breathalyzed, blew under the legal limit and still was ordered not to move my car for two hours.

    Ahhh, memories.

    Anyway, I went back here yesterday because I was freezing my thighs off checking out the ice sculptures at the Plymouth International Ice Sculpture Spectacular (AKA PIISS!, ha!). So, yeah, I was freezing and wanted to warm up and have a drink and ran into 336 Main.

    "Oh my god!" I said to my boyfriend. "This is the first place I ever reviewed!"

    As we walked in -- same drab interior as six years ago, minus the '90s-style couches -- I thought, okay, it's pretty much the same place as it was, where people can loosen their ties and unwind after work. We chose to sit at the end of the bar and -- lo and behold -- there was my Freep review, framed, up on the wall!! Hilarious.

    Delicious chocolate martini. Way too expensive. Drab decor.

    But memories. Ahhh, memories.

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    This place was extremely forgettable.  I walked in with friends, I remember having an unnecessarily difficult time when it came to getting served at a table.  Snide comment when I didn't want to order an alcoholic drink, even though I was with friends who were all drinking.

    I will say I managed to make the most of it since I had good company, except for this one guy in our party who kept talking about his stupid Wii and binary doormat.  Don't ask.

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    Small martini bar on Plymouth's main strip. You can chill outside when its warm or sit inside and listen to whatever live music is going on. The waitresses are super tan big breasted ladies who prefer to serve men, but hey if you have some at your table you won't be thirsty.

    Some of my most humorous experiences have been at this bar. Whether it  is dealing with the servers or people watching you are sure to have a story to remember.

    Oh yea, the martinis are not bad either. They don't have a huge selection but they still have some solid choices.

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    This used to be one of my favorite spots, but it seems to have gone into decline ever since their martini list was trimmed down.  Since then, I've heard they also don't allow cigar smoking.  The days that I remember were comfy overstuffed couches, pianos, big martinis, cigars, good people, and surprisingly small egos.

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