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    This place was nothing short of phenomenal. The restaurant sits atop the tallest building in Amarillo, something like 38 floors. It towers over the flatness that stretches forever. Apparently there is a bar or some other restaurant on the floor below. In any event, the view is great and really interesting for someone not from that area.

    I am giving it 4 stars because the salmon was one of the best I have ever had. it was impeccable, just absolutely perfect. Nice grill marks, juicy, flavorful, just perfect. The rice and accompanying vegies were good too. The starter salad was competent. Garlic bread was outstanding, too bad I could not get more when I asked.

    I was not paying so I don't know if the meal is a good value or not. But considering that there are no rivers or oceans in the vicinity (!), the salmon was probably as good as one can get. I would return in a heartbeat. That said, my local hosts did mention that the club can be "snooty," but for this visitor it was the by far the culinary high point of my trip.

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    I agree with David. The Amarillo Club is a joke that no one even bothers to get. Check it out on New Year's Eve if you'd like to see a bunch of rich geriatrics get loaded and literally fall all over each other, set to a nice grating waltz.

    I give it two stars for humor value and because the food isn't half bad.

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    You can get better food many places in town.  The friday night seafood buffet is bland and tasteless, the staff is not refined enough for the place the Amarillo Club aspires to be.

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    My parents, California transplants, were a bit culture shocked when they first moved to Amarillo. They found solace in the Amarillo Club. Amarillo Club is a  dining club that has a monthly membership which allows you to go for lunch and dinner most days and nights. It is the highest floor of a tall office building so it has a great view of the city at night. It has excellent service that creates a wonderful atmosphere with wonderful food. (No Jeans on Saturday Nights).
    True, it can be a bit stuffy and a bit on the AARP side of things (jazz band selections are not so hip), but the food is very very good. I can understand how younger folks who like the local bar food would find the club too old school, but  this is probably the best, most consistent food in Amarillo proper. Mind your waistline however, this is good food that doesn't apologize by having too much in the low fat selections. (I tend to order things without sauces).
    I particularly like the fact that you can visit other dining clubs in other cities. Just ask them to write you a letter of introduction and you're all set.
    One downside is that they allow smoking in a small sitting area next to the dining room. I can't tell you how strange I find smoking in a place to which  taste is so religiously adhered. They really should move the smoking area (cigars and scotch after dinner if you must) to another floor or a place where diners won't get the brunt of the smoke.
    Finally, this is a safe place to take your parents or family members for holidays or special meals. While other places can't accommodate a big group or picky palates or people who don't want to sit in a bar, the club is consistent with good service and good food and a more formal non-bar attitude. They will also make things special for small children as well. I have not found there anywhere else.

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