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    Wow. I think this pretty much sums up my experience at AMF Desoto Lanes. If I weren't with such awesome people, this place would have been plain terrible.

    So last night my immediate cousins and I had our first Cousins Night Out event that we are hoping to turn into at least a quarterly event. One person suggested bowling and dinner so off we went to AMF DeSoto Lanes. We chose this location because it was perfectly located between all of our parents houses. Let me tell you, as much as I know this area, this place was hard to find. It is off of a well known street (Hampton Road), but the street sign is just so tiny and off set that you will seriously have to closely watch for it. I would strongly suggest keeping in your right hand land and it is the first street right after you pass the shopping center where Ojeda's is.

    Anywho, the parking is just weird and is not handi-friendly at all which sucked considering one of my cousins (who was injured while in the military) really needed proper parking spaces. When we went in first set of doors you immediately get a strong wiff of FEET. Yep. Stank feet. I was freaked out because honestly, feet are creepy. So I'm not happy. We go in and find our party and what can I say, I come from a family with style. Everyone always dresses cute and high heels and stilletos are always worn if not a pair of super cute flats, but don't be mistaken, everyone can play sports. Why does this matter? Well, because some of my relatives were treated very rudely for no reason by ghetto patrons (which there were PLENTY). They had socks in their purses and was ready to have a good time. Who cares if they wear heels all the time. The staff sure as heck didn't... and to be honest they did not seem to care about much of anything.

    So everyone laced up (I didn't. The strong smell of funk foot was enough for me to not even try to get shoes.) and the game started. Things were awesome and we were even given cupcakes by a neighboring family who were extremely nice. As the evening wore on we became very hungry. Little did I know this place had waiters because I never saw anyone and when I went to the counter to order a guy rushed up there to take my order. While deciding what I wanted, I was appalled at the prices. Seriously $13 for some Rico's Cheese, cheap, ghetto nachos. For real?! $9 for the smallest chicken fingers combo. It was ridiculous! The food was not high quality and the grease was not fresh. I did not even bother to hit the bar because I was too blown away. For such an ugly, uninteresting establishment, they were charging like they were Main Event or 300 Lanes, which I would have preferred to go to. At least at 300 Lanes you get more quality food, it is cool looking, is catered towards adult, have happy hours and may I add, it is much, much cheaper.

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