Do yourself a favor and hold it until you get to the Belvidere Oasis. This will spare you from the questionable gas station bathrooms of northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. Not only are the bathrooms mighty clean but you'll also find...
*A plethora of tables to sit with your not-so-healthy eats
*A myriad of food and beverage options (McD's, Subway, popcorn, Greek eats, Starbucks) - at 11:30pm on a Tuesday Subway and McD's were open...just for reference!
*Travel shop
*Vibrating massage chairs that always seem to be occupied no matter the time I walk in here
It's shiny and clean and provides a very quick on/off the highway. See you soon, Belvidere.
Truck-stop Trixie?
Not quite, though arguable, but I will say that if I'm driving on 90 and can afford to hold it until we get to the Belvidere Oasis, I do. I'll sit on my foot and rock back and forth until until my eyeballs float (#1) or my cold spells turn to over-heated panic (#2).
And even when I don't have to make yellow and/or brown, I can usually find some excuse to stop at the Belvidere Oasis. Clean bathrooms + so many options as far as a transient service area go. In fact, if I didn't have a family to gorge with on Thanksgiving I'd totally come here. With the cornucopia of eats and entertainment available, I'd be willing to best that my truckstop harvest celebration would be just as good, if not better than most familial Turkey Day gatherings.
Not a bad place to get gassy.