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    My neighbor took me and some chicks I knew to get some Stellas and glasses of cab for a chill weekday night. Girls who worked behind the bar were sweet and quick. Will return soon!

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    Kind of super hard to follow up on a 6 year old review that's no longer accurate at all.

    The Knox Art spans all of Aggieland.  You will find his art in local restaurants, businesses, local grocery stores and all over Texas A&M University campus.  Benjamin Knox is a unique one of a kind visionary artist and I say that as coming from a family of artists and art teachers.  My mother teaches art.  

    While this extremely old single review I do feel was assumed to be accurate at the time, by a Yelper that pioneered College Station (and disappeared years ago), it's not accurate at all.  

    The Art gallery is beautiful and shows Aggieland like only an Aggie can.  The Wine Bar has improved greatly over the years, seating and live music have expanded greatly and Thursday nights are when to be here, when Chef Tai's Mobile Bistro is parked, so you can enjoy fine wines, live music and local cuisine that won Food Networks America's Favorite Food Truck.

    Have been a patron for 6 years and am a fan of his art.

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    If you were to walk into this place, completely unaware, you'd pretty much instantly think, "Is this a joke? Is this a really elaborate art-joke?"

    No, it isn't.

    This stuff is sincere.

    I know.

    And dude is RICH, too!

    How does that happen?

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