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    Sully's, like most nearly-fast-food joints, suffers from some inconsistency. It's usually good, and I'll base this review on several trips in which the food was well-prepared. It's a bit unfair to rate places (which aren't, say, Christopher's) on a single trip, anyway.

    Let's start with the french fries.

    There's several places popping up in B/CS serving skinny fries, and I think this is a good thing. I like steak-cut fries from time to time, but not with every meal. When cooked well, the fries here are great, and that's pretty much a must for a burger place. If you don't have good fries, I don't care how good your burger is (Koppe Bridge, cough cough.)

    The burgers are fabulous.

    Without fail the meat has been cooked properly with a slight char on the outside but juicy on the inside, the pink just barely warmed to grey. There's a certain flame cooked taste (although I am not sure how they're cooked) that just sits right on my palate. The Aggie Special is a burger and fries for $4.99 and, because of that price, it wins the best burger/price ratio in B/CS hands-down.

    Try the chicken strips.

    Unlike Laynes and Canes, who both serve thickly battered, mostly flavorless chicken strips, Sully's strips have some true flavor. The batter is almost tempura like and, I swear, has some beer in it, along with some spice and black pepper. They don't have a unique signature sauce like their neighbors, but you do have a choice of dipping sauces. I admit that I'm from Texas, so I default to ranch dressing or gravy.

    If you're truly hungry, get a patty melt.

    The patty melt is a 1/3 or 1/2 pound burger served on crispy toast and topped with grilled onions and, of course, cheese. If this doesn't fill you up, you probably need to go on a diet anyway. :) My favorite meal at this place.

    I haven't enjoyed everything.

    If you're in the mood for a salad, you probably want to skip this place. They have chicken and waffles, which I normally adore, but theirs just doesn't work for reasons I can't put my finger on. And, while my friends loved it, I didn't enjoy the Philly steak sandwich.

    The onion rings are home-made and, while greasy, quite good.

    All in all, like I said, the best Burger Bang for the Buck in B/CS, along with a few more menu items worth trying.

    PS. If you suffer from TV addiction, get your meal to go.

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    Took my family. Real clean and friendly. My daughter loved her salad.
    As a family we got grilled and fried versions of the chicken. Awful. The fried was dropping of grease and couldn't taste meat. The grilled had some flavoring that just couldn't wash out of our mouth. We ha to leave and go eat somewhere else.

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    I really tried to like this place but after four times I will not be back. The burger was some kind of preformed patty with hard bits in it. The fries are greasy and there is no other side to choose from. The poboy is just a chicken strip on a bun with lettuce and mayonnaise. The patty melt was probably the best thing I had except for the fact that it made me sick. If you have to go here I would recommend eating at either place next door and just getting a beer at sully's.

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