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    This place is definitely a hole-in-the-wall kinda place. My fiancee's family lives nearby and we pass the place frequently and I still don't know what hours they're open but we did manage to find them open one time, and goodness ensued.

    The menu has some pretty 'southern' kinda choices along with a section devoted to burgers. Not the "easy on your arteries" variety, either.

    The double meat burger was definitely just that, stress the meat part. Their patties are *HUGE*, and even I couldn't easily bite in to the double meat madness. In fact, I ended up tearing the bottom bun up so much due to the grease and my attempts to position the burger so I could bite down on everything all at once. This is definitely the place to go when you want a greasy old school burger, not a place to go when you're concerned about health, unless their other non-burger entrees are any better.

    Their fries, on the other hand, were the horrible way-too-thick-pre-bought-frozen-non-salted kind. No matter how much salt I put on them, they tasted very bland.

    The location is a small building with a front "screen" door that slams closed and a true front door that people closed all the time while we were sitting at the booth right next to it. Think of eating at someone's house with a bit more "historic" photos (eg, reprinted "Wanted" posters, an old indian photo reprint) and a TV up in the corner and you'll have an idea.

    All in all, I'd go back when I have that "grease" craving, and may even go back for a different kind of meal but I doubt I'd try anything else.

    Quite pricey given it's location, coming it at $23 for two people to have burgers, fries, and drinks but again, it's true greasy home cookin hamburgers.

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