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    This place is sooooooo yummy!  Great to bring kids and food is really good...no matter what you get!  They even have a salad bar...keepin it old school.  Definitely THE place to eat in this town.  Lots of snowmobile dudes hangin out...awesome beer choices!

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    This is the best restaurant in Lawton. Normally we go toward the Kalamazoo side of things. Their pub food and sandwiches are good. The menu is awkwardly large so I'd stick to the American items.

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    I have hung out in SW MI for a considerable period of time and have been to many bars in the area.  Big T's is the runaway winner for best beer bar, along with its sister property Zeke's in Dowagiac.  They are under the same ownership and look similar, but the I prefer Big T's.  The atmosphere seems a little more dank and accomodating to drinking.  Seems like there are more kids at Zeke's too, although I may be wrong.  However, Zeke's is just down the block from Woodfire, which may be the best restaurant in SW MI (that's a short list too). Anyway, the bar area in Big T's is fairly compact: 3 sides of a square, with the multiple beer coolers making up the 4th side.  As far as the food, it's probably comparable to any average greek restaurant in the Chicago area.  Only go here for the beer.

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    I love this restaurant.  They have great food, a very nice staff, and sweet arcade games.  It is pretty big, too.  There isn't much of a town around it, but the place itself is really nice.  I don't drink, but I hear they've got a great beer selection.

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