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    Going up to Owensboro I heard a lot of hype about this place. But I was quickly let down. The ambiance of the establishment was pretty cool.  They had an old industrial age theme going like the place was (It really might have been) some type for boiler for a factory. Besides the theme being cool, the space itself was tight....and the place was packed...too packed. There wasn't a lot of seats and the table placement was random at best.  

    The service was slow, they only had two bartenders working at the main bar for a bar/pub being jammed packed....that being said, you couldn't fit another bartender behind the bar (again not a lot of space). So, it took a little while to get a drink.

    Besides the place being packed, the music was WAY to loud.  I may be in my 30's, but   like can appreciate loud music in a club.  I was in another location from the dance floor and it felt like I was in the speaker.  Yelling in the ear of the person next to you to have a conversation is a little annoying to say the least.  

    With all this being said, It's one of the only places to go, so enjoy.

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