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    It's a great place to dance although you're not allowed to drink on the dance floor unless you buy a 1/2 yard (think Bourbon Street in NOLA) that has a cover & a very long straw.

    It's the perfect blend of creepers, cougars, celebrity impersonators & everyone else.  It would be great if they didn't allow smoking on the lower level but the smoke level wasn't too bad.

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    Advertises a lighted dance floor under a giant disco ball where you shake your groove thing for a cover of $10-$15 at the "hottest night club in the tri-state"  My question would be: According to who? They claim there's nothing like it anywhere else (I think cause the disco craze has been over for a few years).  

    "Over (over means on top of, more than would be the correct usage) 600 square feet of dance floor with lights pulsating to the sounds of the 70s, 80s and more.  The best DJ's in the region will help you dance the night away with the Roller Girls, Boogie Dancers and Hoola Hoop Girls"  And not only that you can put a final touch on your evening or event and rent the Ultimate Ride: the Boogie Nights Hollywood Party Bus" (I'm not making this $hit up - it's on their website) Ride a bus to watch girls hula hoop? I must be out of the loop.

    OMG - reading that hype I would think it was full of aging baby boomers, but no - the line to get in Sunday (at midnight) was full of very young people. Well, with the exception of the two 45 year old cougars dressed like the 20 somethings in line with them. They might as well boogied on outta there - I'd be surprised if the average age in that line was even legal. The clothing was... interesting. I'm not a prude, but if I had tried to get outta my house dressed like the majority of these girls (at their age) my parents would have assumed I was going to stand on a street corner to make a few extra bucks and locked me up for the rest of my life. How do you sit in skirts that short without revealing the "entire package"??? Geeze - save something for later. If it was one of their "theme" nights - what was the theme? Hooker night?

    Thankfully, I wasn't here to hit the club...so I just boogied on by. The music was great. And I do like the name of the club.

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