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    By mistake, I was meeting some friends at "The" Branham Lounge and instead I went to this location instead.  Branham Lounge, without the "The", seems to be closed now.  The website says that they are reopening soon elsewhere but so far nothing.

    I eventually found the place.  The Branham Lounge that is located on Branham and Almaden was open and very busy on a Friday night.  I have no idea if that place is the new one but I thought I should let anyone know who is reading this review...don't come to this address as there is nothing here.

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    I walk in with my Asian crew and every one stops and STARES.  Unphased we walk up to the bar and order 4 Irish Car Bombs and pound them, instantly winning the favor of the drunk white dudes next to us.  They watched wide eyed then exclaimed a slurred "Yeahhh...SAKE BOMB!"  We then pay the nice bartenders, turn around, and walk out.

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    I use to come here back in the day, and loved it, found out they might have switched owners, and have remodeled it. I decided to check it out. Big Mistake! Went on a Friday night, and it was about 9pm, it was already packed elbow to elbow, and was not expecting that from neighborhood joint, especially how it use to be before. Had a beer and quickly left, no big deal, I figured I would give it another shot.

    I went in on a slower night, it was around 9pm on a Sunday a month after I went before. Everything started off pretty normally, everyone was pretty hammered already, and then Wham-0, Same really strange young girl came up and took my buddies stool without saying anything and then began talking/slurring to me, however I dont think she was really drunk. After a very brief and awkward conversation my friend and I relocated to a booth. From that vantage point I saw almost 3 fights break out, two of which were started by one drunk/drugged out guy. I guess the point Im trying to make is there was no security, and the drunks pretty much had free range at the place. I wanted to get out of the house and have some fun, and this was more chaotic then being at work. I had a beer and split. No one ever kicked any of these methed out patrons. I will never return. One star because I felt bad for the poor girl that was working behind the bar.

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