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    My friend and I were looking for a local bar that we can go to and play darts and have a few drinks..  5th Quarter is the one we've been looking for.  Everyone there is nice, from the regulars, the bartenders, the bouncers, the cocktail waitresses, to the owner (Dino) and of course the best cook in town, Miguel (and his wife)...  

    It's a safe and friendly environment for people of all ages, 20's, 30's, 40's and above..  
    The DJs on Friday and Saturday nights, for the most part, are fabulous..  great dancing music.

    The only complaint I would have is that two of the three dart boards don't work very well... maybe we can convince Dino to buy a couple new one?!?!?  :)

    Prices for drinks are very reasonable and the gals (bartenders, Keisha, Denise and Andrea) don't cheat you on alcohol.

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    There is one patron in particular named Kelly that frequents this establishment who likes to whistle haw a lot like a donkey, like a quick loud whistle followed by a donkey HAW. He will make your visit worthwhile. He lays glass and always has a beer and a shot of Jameson in front of him. He drives a large old timer yellow suburban, and the only time I really even go in this bar anymore is when that car is parked outside.

    There is also another regular named Red that I've heard refer to the bartender as pumpkin tits before leaving briefly to get some egg rolls at the nearby Chinese restaurant.

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    Personally, I will never go back to the 5th Quarter.  This bar has no control over it's patrons; if there is a fight their security guards are useless.  I would not consider this a safe place to go to without some sort of weapon for personal protection.  This is the kind of place where girls walk around with knives in their purses because people get crazy and they know the bar wont provide any protection.  

    I wouldn't waste my time with this place, but if you do go be prepared to protect yourself if need be.

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