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    My friend and I were looking for a local bar that we can go to and play darts and have a few drinks..  5th Quarter is the one we've been looking for.  Everyone there is nice, from the regulars, the bartenders, the bouncers, the cocktail waitresses, to the owner (Dino) and of course the best cook in town, Miguel (and his wife)...  

    It's a safe and friendly environment for people of all ages, 20's, 30's, 40's and above..  
    The DJs on Friday and Saturday nights, for the most part, are fabulous..  great dancing music.

    The only complaint I would have is that two of the three dart boards don't work very well... maybe we can convince Dino to buy a couple new one?!?!?  :)

    Prices for drinks are very reasonable and the gals (bartenders, Keisha, Denise and Andrea) don't cheat you on alcohol.

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    There is one patron in particular named Kelly that frequents this establishment who likes to whistle haw a lot like a donkey, like a quick loud whistle followed by a donkey HAW. He will make your visit worthwhile. He lays glass and always has a beer and a shot of Jameson in front of him. He drives a large old timer yellow suburban, and the only time I really even go in this bar anymore is when that car is parked outside.

    There is also another regular named Red that I've heard refer to the bartender as pumpkin tits before leaving briefly to get some egg rolls at the nearby Chinese restaurant.

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    Personally, I will never go back to the 5th Quarter.  This bar has no control over it's patrons; if there is a fight their security guards are useless.  I would not consider this a safe place to go to without some sort of weapon for personal protection.  This is the kind of place where girls walk around with knives in their purses because people get crazy and they know the bar wont provide any protection.  

    I wouldn't waste my time with this place, but if you do go be prepared to protect yourself if need be.

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    I'm tire of getting over charged for drinks...I"M NOT DRUNK STUPID, GIRLS. I'm just going to call my bank and get the charges reversed. Also, be very careful THE COPS ARE ALL AROUND THAT PLACE, don't get caught up with a DUI. I know of 4 people that told me NOT drive after leaving that bar...so I DON'T.  I liked the bar, it's really chill and kick back, but I'm getting over charges for bullshit drinks IS NOT OK!!!  I'm not going back.  The DJ's pritty AWESOME, but EL Rancho is WAY better!!!

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    Great neighborhood bar. Lots of flat screen TV's to watch sports, pool tables, dart boards and a recently added shuffle board. Staff is friendly and the drinks are the best value I have found in the area. They have a DJ Thursday thru Saturday at night and they play until the bar closes at 2am. Ful kitchen in back serving good bar food.

    Definately worth checking out

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    This is a fun local bar with all the basic necessities.  They have a couple of beers on draft,  a nice selection of bottled beers, two pool tables, several electronic dart boards, electronic juke box with some good music, and many big screen televisions for sports.  Their prices (at least on a pitcher of beer) is very good.  

    They even have a kitchen for a quick meal, and the chicken tacos were surprisingly good.  Yeah, I will be back.

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    I used to go to this bar regularly back when it had potential. Now the bar has a steady clientelle of crackheads and skeezers. Not even a decent hard core biker dude would want to be caught in a dive bar with a grip of crackheads, skeezers, and wannabe's.

    The ower is some foreign f*** who could give a sh** about his bar but just wants you stupid Americans to go spend your money and beat each other up. Otherwise he wouldn't hire crappy employee's. Seriously, the people that work for this place are sooooo sketch. They seem to be one of the main reasons their clientelle is composed of users and grifters.

    I will say that it can be seen as a pretty decent bar at times. Those times are when there's a show or some other event that repels the usual low class citizen and invites a more normal younger group of people who have yet to be tainted by the crappy and warped politics of this bar.

    Also, the people here are low class and the girls are usually skeezers who've been had by the current clientelle and the guys are usually tweekers who are so hopped up that they are only interested in looking for someone to beat them up. My point is, don't go here with the hopes of action or you might get a disease from some skeezer or you might have to beat a tweeker up before you leave.

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    Love the DJ..followed him from the old Branham lounge. The drinks suck unless there made by dino. He's the sh*&/ by the way.... me n my girls come here to dance every friday .... we love everything about it except for the drinks .

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    I'm one of the old men gawking at the young gals.
    Thanks for the smiles ladies!

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    It felt like I was in the movie "Invincible." Lots of folks a bit older than me hanging out like it's their second home. Everyone looked like a regular. The bartender is very friendly and homey, almost motherly? Perhaps that's just the vibe I got, but both were very helpful. My food was good, too. I got a greasy mushroom burger with fries. It definitely hit the spot.

    This place is pretty chill and has pool tables, lots of seating, a couple flat screens and a big dance floor. Do me a favor, when you come here come to the center of the dance floor near the disco ball and look up. I swear to you, you will see a butt. Like an ass. A woman's ass. LOL!

    If you've never dropped by here, at least come to see that!

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    The first 2 times I came here it was great! Played a few rounds of darts, watched a hockey game, and had a beer in one of their huge mugs. This was probably in 2010. The next time I came in, there was about 5 people in the place, but a DJ blaring music with no one on the dance floor, again 5 people in the bar, my friend and I had to leave because it was so loud.

    Next attempt, I was hanging at the bar section, made a few friends, and then a fight quickly broke out with some guys at the pool table, so my friend and I left.

    The last time I went, it was on a slow Sunday, around 9pm, and there was 3 other people there besides my friend and I. 2 girls sandwiched between some dude, and they were all going at with each other in some sort of verbal assault. Well, when this stuff happens in a empty bar, it gets kinda loud and unnerving. So we left, and I have never returned.

    The few good things about this place, is if you can get there on a night where its relatively thug and crackhead free, its alot of fun. The bartenders are real easy on the eyes, and the beer can come in huge mugs!

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    The music is always loud as hell but good people go here.Fun times!

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    Due to this places location...I wont be a frequent customer...but if it was in an area that was close to me or more accessible...would I go?? Probably.

    We arrived on a Saturday night for a show some friends were playing. The guys at the door greeted us with full on smiles (in their punk gear ...so I love the quote unquote controversy with that image)

    IDs were checked...money was paid (10/person for the show) and my hand was marked.

    This is really my ONLY complaint of the night. The mark on the hand was two tone. One green the other red. The red... CAME OFF ON MY JEANS!! I had to wash them TWICE to get the red...well, more pink...smear off my pant leg. FRUSTRATION...*sigh* hahaha

    If it had not come out....this review would be so different...but it did an I am cool. hahaha

    The bartenders were attentive. Made what I wanted (with one mistake ...that I honestly did not correct them on)

    Drinks were strong... pool tables were available an the venue is big...

    Met some interesting people. Some guy in an MC tried to pick me up. Another girl I met had a serious conversation with me about what it meant to be a Lett (female version of a juggalo..you know...those Insane Clown Posse kids with the face paint and now considered under federal law to be a gang) ... but I asked for her opinions. I had never met a woman so deeply involved with a group such as them before and she was kind and we had a good talk. I feel more educated even though my opinions have not changed.

    I did not eat the food... but they did serve it. Smelled alright. I mean, its a bar... what more can you expect. But the kitchen was a real kitchen so I imagine they have potential for real quality but no demand for it.

    All in all.. I had a great time. Staff was great ... drinks were great (only one mistake all night) and the crowd was just that...a bar crowd. Couldnt ask for anything more.

    If you are curious about one of the bands I saw....I just found out at the show that you can download their album FOR FREE on their website.... <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.NVSmusic.com&s=c336984951a86ae80b878db1c26f2ce8a7a913b976bad5b03801bdb178dfcd60" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.NVSmusic.com</a> (so I hella did...hahaha...I loves me some free stuff)

    I personally think their singer Walter, has one of the most unique voices. He has really grown as a singer (I first saw them many years ago) and their drummer Micah, has more talent in his little finger than I could hope to have in my entire lifetime. Seriously. The guy blows me away. He works with several other bay area bands as well and rocks every single goddamn time.

    So...check em out!! <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.NVSmusic.com&s=c336984951a86ae80b878db1c26f2ce8a7a913b976bad5b03801bdb178dfcd60" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.NVSmusic.com</a>  the album "Save California" is FREE!! So pass it along to your friends too....and who knows...maybe I will see YOU at the next NVS show and maybe even...at the 5th Quarter!

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    Great for Karaoke. SUPER dive bar otherwise. Has a dance floor, but very limited for imported beers. Tap includes Miller light, Bud light, and if I remember correctly - Sierra Nevada.

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    Is the women's restroom really haunted?

    Owner was nice enough, so was the bartender. Mixed group...creepy old men and 20-something girls.At about 10 the DJ came in and then the cougars showed up. Watch out now, because those women will eat you alive. One kept flashing her cucca while playing pool.

    There is a small menu if you need to eat something greasy. Onion rings were good. Cheese fries too.

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    Dive bars are kind of cool, this place sucks, so I would not call this a dive bar.
    First of all how did they get away with putting an establishment like this next door to a chuck-e-cheese, are there not laws against this kind of thing. The bar tries to be hip and cool, but it is gross and dirty, and has a very unusual crowd. I have never seen a bar that caters to thugs, hipsters, punk kids, and weirdos, I felt really out of place. There was a DJ, he was playing awfully loud old ghetto rap, they had a dance floor with one creepy dude dancing with himself. There were pool tables, but the people playing looked really sketch, and didn't seem like they wanted to share. I then went to the bar to grab a drink for my friend birthday, I ask how much and he said, "6 bucks" I handed him a 20 and he gave me back 8 dollars, what a rip off, can you hire people that can count. This weird place was just disappointing to me, I wont be back.

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    Um I kind of love this place. LOL

    Went with 3 friends on a Sunday night and it was in full swing.  Probably got there closer to 10pm- no cover because this is dive bar.  

    There is a dance floor but on a Sunday no one was over there.

    Highlights of this bar:
    1.  The drink called "a bitch" it contains peach schnapps, Remy, and Redbull and you have to chug it. Good luck staying sober after 3 of these.
    2.  Pool Table is .75 a game- put your name on the board and play
    3.  Darts- 1.50 a game- soo addicting!
    4.  Juke Box to choose music! There was music ranging from hip hop, rock, etc.

    This place is total casual wear and of course there are more men and the women in there some looked really trashy and desperate but you know typical dive bar scene.

    But it has a total Cheers vibe- personal owner/bartender experience.. where everybody knows your name...

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    Beer: Cheap and cheaper (in a good way)
    Cocktails: Order the simple stuff
    Food: I'm worried about stomach aches
    Servers: Friendly
    TVs: Welcome to 2010 with 4 new flat screens
    Scene: Dark and dreary
    Crowd: Let's just say I've seen a fight here with folks who were probably parolees

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    I like this place, the bartenders are cool and the drinks are good. They have pool tables, dart boards, TV's, and a juke box. It's a large bar, so it does not feel like you arte sitting in a cramped hole in the wall.

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    My old stomping gtound. A perfect place for an after work cocktail.

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    Cool place.  I went there (for only the second time since probably 2001) last Saturday night, in order to check out "Silent Sinner" and some other local heavy metal bands.  Its a dive bar, but not in any bad sort of way.  All the people (staff & patrons) were very friendly and polite (and the two women behind the bar were very pleasing to the eye). An earlier review noted 32 oz, $5 mugs of beer.  Well, when I ordered a 32 oz. mug, I was given three choices ie., Coors Light, Bud Light, and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.  I was on a budget, so I went with Coors Light over Sierra Nevada (Bud Light is for degenerates), which actually wound up costing me $6.50 (Sierra Nevada would have been eight dollars).  Maybe the Bud Light was five (should be free, or they could pay you to take it off their hands), or maybe they just have higher prices with live music on a Saturday night; not sure.  I wound up drinking 24 oz cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon for four dollars each, which was a slightly more economical choice (all prices are pre-gratuity).  I got drunk for $30, which is about as cheap as you can usually manage these days (at least at my threshold).  The high chairs (to go with their high tables) were a little uncomfortable, but not egregious.  I could have sat at the more comfortable bar, if I'd been so inclined.  Mens' room is unfortunately small (one urinal and one stall).  This was helped by the aforementioned politeness of the crowd; it could have got unpleasant with a bunch of jerks in attendance, but fortunately, that wasn't an issue.

    "Silent Sinner" put on a great set, by the way.

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    Been hitting this place off and on for a year or so. I'd say it's a step up from a dive bar. They are definitely trying to keep things cool there. There are always several security guards there and I've seen them turning away people that were dressed too shabbily. They recently lost one of the best bartenders I've seen, Audrey, so we'll have to see how they recover, but I'm still rating them good because it is a great place to hang out. Very diverse crowd and mostly just people out to have a good time. Stop by and check it out.

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    I went here this past weekend to check out a band that was playing. Definitely a dive bar - but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Drinks were cheap and strong. My grey goose-cran was great and my friend's sex on the beach was equally good. The bartenders and cocktail waitress were attentive and quick.

    It's an older crowd, not sure if that's due to the band or how it always is. A lot of the patrons seem like tough bikers but everyone was nice. Have you ever seen a biker dance? It's quite amusing and I highly recommend checking it out.

    They have live music on Saturdays, DJ on Fridays (I think), 2 pool tables, darts and lots of seating. They serve food, which I didn't try but I didn't hear anyone complain about it. Lots of parking because it's the only place open at night in the strip mall.

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    This place is a wonderful dive bar and that's why I love it.  I can get a huge (32 OZ?) mug of beer for $5 with tip and chill out. Its a nice occasional get away from home place. I cannot vouch for the mixed drinks however the bartender ladies are very cool and accommodating. The atmosphere is all American casual. The people here are REAL, no fakes or phonies. What you see is what you get!

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    1 1/2 stars for me! it was an OK place to just hang out and have a drink or two but aren't friend's houses good enough? the drinks were fairly priced i guess, but the bartenders weren't too friendly, so i probably shouldn't have tipped! the whole place is just kinda run down and dreary. as soon as the bar closed, i noticed some middle aged guy outside so drunk that he was literally on his knees trying to pick himself up. something tells me that the bar wasn't the kind of place that would care about helping him out......anywho, save your money and drink at home!

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    Wikipedia: "A dive bar, or simply a dive, is a downmarket drinking establishment serving a working class (or poorer) clientele."


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    Went to this place last nite for the first time in YEEEEEEEEEEEARS. There was a cover band called "Full Throttle" playing on the little stage in the back. They were actually really good and the singer had a bald head....bonus! hah! I do hafta say tho, that they were a bit too loud and if you wanted to sit where the tables are (which is right where the band is) you couldn't talk to anyone without yelling. So we resorted to the bar.  The crowd here was mostly a younger crowd. Atmosphere was cool. They have darts, 2 pool tables, several tv's with different sports channels on and a juke box. Also theres a kitchen with a large selection of munchies. Altho it was closed when we were there. But they were having a birthday party for someone with FREE all you can eat BBQ so that could be why the kitchen was closed.

    It wasn't a bad place and I woulda totally considered coming back if it weren't for the sucky bartenders!!! Fuckin' A where'd these broads learn to make a cocktail!? I ordered a  fuzzy navel and all I got was what tasted like watered down pineapple juice. Ummm, ok maybe it was just a fluke. So we order a round of Purple Hooters. NAAAAAAASTY!!!!! It tasted like PurpleSaurusRex Kool Aid in concentrate form.  Wheres the BOOZE!?!?!? By now I'm really annoyed cause we're getting charged out the ass for some really shitty drinks. These drinks were weaker than what they used to serve at San Jose Live and that was pretty bad! At a last ditch effort to get a buzz we order a round of Hornitos shots. FINALLY some real alcohol, but damn how can you mess that up!? The bartenders are not friendly, look bitchy actually and they can't make a drink. We left after the tequila and took off for The Normandy House in Santa Clara where I proceeded to get smashed!

    Wheres the menudo!?

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