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    If you like bagels, you have to like Bruegger's.  For a national chain, they manage to make every store seem like a local gem.  Bagels are always good, and they have lots of delicious goodies to put on them.  Drinks are the achilles heel of Bruegger's.  Their coffee is blah, and they haven't figured out how to offer a reasonable selection of soft drinks.  But I don't go to a bagel shop for drinks, and their food is great.

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    I often get coffee here in the mornings. It is the only coffee shop on the route I take from home to work. The coffee is pretty bad. There are times it tastes burnt but bad caffeine is better than no caffeine. I do typically like the bagels. Occasionally they are a little under done in my opinion but that is not the norm.  Also they have a decent variety of sandwiches and salads for vegetarians.

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