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    If you're looking for a fun night out with GOOD food this is your place! This is a great hang out with your friends without the typical downtown nonsense. Its the perfect joint for some super yummy burgers and some quiet down time and comraderie, there's a full bar and a quiet atmosphere that keeps me coming back! The wings are my favorite!

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    Mediocre service and over-rated food.  This place is constantly touted as having the best burger in Syracuse.  Really?  The burger patty that is delivered on the bun has the same grey-brown color that a fast food patty would have.  Taste wasn't anything special, fries weren't anything special.  Not even the complimentary cookie provided with your meal was anything special (Chips-ahoy supermarket package sourced).

    Won't be going back for the food.  The waitress also seemed like she had better things to be doing than attending to patrons.

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    I've only been to this spot three times, (and always sat at the bar), but the service remains mediocre. Last time there, I asked for mild-to-medium chicken fingers...They gave me stuff that was hot as fresh lava. I specified Jose Cuervo in my drinks...When I reviewed the check, I saw that they billed me for a different brand (Bartender swore up-and-down she gave me Cuervo...) Last but not  least, this place has gotta be the most freakin' expensive spot of its' kind in the 'cuse!

    Don't think I'm goin' back anytime soon...

    PS to Mark The Owner: "Shut up & Do Something About Your Staff!"

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    Poor service very bad onion soup. But good burgers

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    Cheers: The best Reuben sandwich in town. Open faced original and turkey were slathered with mounds of succulent meat, covered with oozing cheese, and finished off with about a half pound of sauerkraut. The sammy is seriously two meals in one. Good selection of brews, usual NY and New England suspects. Plan your visit to coincide with the bands that play on most weekends/weekdays to avoid any conversation moments. Interior is nice enough to call the place nice, maybe a tad classy. You could easily impress a date or your mom with this place. "Why, George, this place is really neat. I love the contrasting paint scheme and the adornments."

    Jeers: Half of our food could have fed six homeless dudes for the day. Cut down on the calories, I felt absolutly gross after polishing off my sammy. Then again, noone twisted my arm to do it.

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    I visited the financial district in downtown Syracuse on the wall back from watching the Patriots play the Bills in Buffalo. I absolutely loved this pub. My friends and I pulled off the thruway during a long road trip searching for somewhere to eat and found this and couldn't resist based on the decor. I'm glad we went here because the food was outstanding! Tons of hamburgers on the menu, and very interesting flavors; I got the one that had pineapples on it. Yum! Our waitress convinced us to try their special sweet potato fries with maple butter- wow, wow, and wow! Definitely high in calories, but so delicious and a great treat when you're on a vacation. Pricing was great, as was the beer selection. Even the music was awesome as we loved each song and didn't want to leave. If I ever find myself in Syracuse again, I am going to have to make a special stop here just to try those fries again! Also, for craft beer lovers they had a super selection and lots of interesting advertising lining the walls. I could see going there for lunch for a month and always having something different to try!

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    For some reason I want to hate this place.  I guess I don't like the way it's decorated.  But, honestly, you can get a good-to-great burger here, and the most expensive pitcher is 11 bucks (there's usually one or two good beers on tap).  There's nothing whatsoever to complain about.

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    The food here is just average, at least based on the pub food at other places in Syracuse.  Besides the misspellings on the menu which is not a good sign for attention to detail as the other reviewer mentioned, they used canned mushrooms on my mushroom swiss burger. when I see those grey, pickled looking things, I cringe and it affects my whole outlook. The peopled looked canned. But by god, the only canned beer they had was the now boring and ubiquitous pbr. You won't find much creative thinking in the place for food (quality and choices), beer, and the atmosphere in general. Bull and Bear, I'm glad you've held on but you need more than a couple of hot bartenders in this town because the other pubs have them too -- with better food and beer.

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    I  would like to be able to rate this better.  The location is good, Hanover Square is not overcrowded like Armory Square.  However after two trips to this pub, I have to say I may give it one more shot and if no better of an experience, it may be my last.  They play good music but it is too loud.  This has been true both times I have been in there.  I don't want to have to shout to the person across the table from me.  The beer selection (draft anyway) is pretty lame.  Too many big commercial brews (where are he micros??) and I am surprised when some of the other establishments in downtown seem to be able to offer a better variety and are much busier than the B&B.  Lastly, we ordered burgers there this time and I wanted mine medium well.  I would say that it arrived medium rare.  It was the Vermonter, which is supposed to have sharp cheddar cheese.  I was surprised to find a slice of mild cheese that hardly tasted like cheddar at all.  Fries that came with it were OK, but nothing special.  As I said, I really would like this place to be better, it would be a good alternative to the Armory area, but to be honest, I am a bit surprised it has stayed open as long as it has.

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    I really dig this place.  I'm a sucker for a great burger and good wings, and Bull and Bear never disappoints.  I love the fire grilled wings... someday my goal is to eat my way through the whole burger menu....

    Syracuse is a great town for pubs... and this is a pub I always enjoy being at.

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    The Bull & Bear is a pretty decent place. This is one of the places I'd go to during my time in Syracuse to grab a drink and a bite to eat. The food isn't anything that's going to blow you away but it's good enough. The wings were pretty good.

    The whole "Shut Up and Eat Your Burger" thing is a little lame but overall this is a pretty good place that I'd visit again.

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    This is a great place to come during the day to work the wifi is pretty good. Also the wait staff is very attentive. It feels like a number of bars in the more busy areas of Manhattan, after work spots.

    I've only been there on odd nights so I don't know how it is as a night spot but I know they have live bands sometimes.

    Great place to take some friends play pool and have a few drinks responsibly.

    Diverse and Friendly.

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    I wanted to like it. Really. The concept (pub with burgers) should be a can't-miss, and the atmosphere is terrific.

    A menu loaded with misspellings should be a red flag - if the restaurant doesn't know what's wrong with "chipolte," "Sanoma," and "Tuscon," attention to detail is probably not a strong suit.

    My Vermonter burger was mediocre. Great idea - sharp white cheddar and bacon - but the best toppings available couldn't make up for the burger. Medium-rare arrived pretty well done, which a good burger joint would never do. Even if the burger had been properly cooked, I don't think it would have been very good. The beef was pretty cheap, and probably had been frozen. The bun was of the commercial bakery sort, and the whole thing was topped with shredded lettuce (the sort that comes in a large plastic bag from the back of a Sysco truck).

    I will say that the white cheddar was quite good, but every other aspect of the burger was sub-par. I wouldn't object if I were served this mess at a diner, but at a place that touts itself as a burger joint, it was a big disappointment. I don't know who their purveyors are, but Bull & Bear doesn't seem to take much pride in its ingredients or the final product.

    The bar itself seemed like a comfortable spot, but their emphasis on the food (with that obnoxious "shut up and eat your burger" slogan plastered everywhere) is misplaced. Don't be fooled, this was the kind of burger you'd expect to find at Ruby Tuesday.

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    This neat pub overlooks the historic Hanover Square downtown. It has been several different things over many decades. They have about a dozen good beers on tap. I sampled Southerntier Mild Ale - a mild amber, refreshing brew. The menu is the usual pub fare with 3 homemade soups. Yeh!  I tried the BNB Chili, which was very temperature hot, and topped with yellow cheese. It was basically canned tomatoes in tomato sauce with a very small amount of beans. 3 guys nearby got sandwiches (big wraps and FF that covered their plates)! I thought maybe "I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN ONE OF THOSE!" At the Brewfest the next year, I tried their Cheeseburger $4. On a large potato roll, it  had enough meat but 1" smaller than the roll. Still OK. Now, they serve their regular menu for dinner on Fridays, plus fish.

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